Sunday, September 13, 2009


This week is still very hot, it is almost fall but the weather hasn’t been cold yet. Many classes in our school already started to use the air conditioner even the first grade of our school started to use the air conditioner, but the air conditioner in our classes still have a lot of problems. It is so hot that every time after we raise the flag, whole of my uniform were wet. It is very uncomfortable, and I have to took off me shoes off during the school day. This week we stated to form a debate team, at first we decided to form association of debate. But the bad thing is the manager of our school told us that she would love to help us to form the association, but the time is too late that all of the people have already chose the association. So she told us to forms the association next year, but next we are third grade and we don’t have much time to take part in it. So his week we are busy in finding people to join the team, so we started to sent the leaflet to the student in the first grade every day in the noon. And we decided to have a test on Friday, and chose about ten to fifteen people to our team. We are very excited and expect there will have a lot of girls wanted to join the team. But it is very cool in the real world, when the test begins, there were just about seven people and two girls in it. In the end, there was just one people didn’t pass the test. I think the test is quit easy and the second reason is that there was less people join the test. We will start to practice in next week; debate is much harder than I think.

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