Saturday, September 26, 2009


Finally we have air conditioner in our class, but the bad thing that it’s cost a lot of money, about 1000 NT dollars a week. And its’ not very cold, after all it’s better than nothing. We found about six junior classmates to our team, and we are going to a debate competition on October tenth, I think we might lose a lot as we just practice for a few months. We spend our noon break to gather together to practice, even though out time is still not enough. When the competition is near, I think we will spend more time to practice. There is less competition in Taichung, so we have to go to other places to compete with other high school. Like the competition this time is in Kaohsiung so we have to take train to get there. Almost all the school which joins the competition is high school; I think we might be the only vocational high school which has joined the competition. I have to thanks to my friend, because he is very good at it so that he can teach us, even it’s very tired, he still try his best to teach us. When the near, a student of National Chung Hsing University will come to our school to teach us. He saw my friend in the competition before, and he voluntary to teach us. Our exam in the school is coming soon, so I am very busy. I have to search the information of the debate, and have to read the textbook in our school. I decided to go to Taipei to see the comic exhibition which is on the following day of the competition, so we have to come back in the same day and go to Taipei in the following day. I think it might be very tired to do that.


  1. lol wow comic exhibition nice
    im so proud of u guys
    its always hard in the beginning
    dont worry about the completion
    what matter is did u learn stuff from it
    good job and good luck to ur debate team member
    add oil!
