Sunday, September 6, 2009


This week is so hot that I even took off my clothes during the class. We had already device the air-conditioner, but the bad thing is that we can only see it but not be able to use it. And we have to go out to raise the flag three times a week, and it is so hot and the precedent speak so long that we are almost fall down in a faint. And after the GM class most of our classmates took off their chose and use the fan to cool down the heat, it is just like a hell to me. We decided to go to Kaohsiung to visit our cousin, but unfortunately they had already gone to Ilan, so we have to cancel our plan to go there for two days. Instead a cousin of mom decided to come to visit our house, so we started to clean our house, mom and dad clean so late, they clean until three or four o’clock. The cousin of mom I have never see them before, last time they visited our house, I haven’t born yet. They arrive at our house at about noon, so we go out and have lunch together. We go to huo-guo to have lunch, but I think I couldn’t eat as much as I could eat before, I think I already full since I eaten the first plate. But I still tried my best to eat as much as I can. Our cousin always speaks in Taiwanese, so I can hardly understand what they are talking about. After eating the lunch, I told to dad and mom that I am going to his office to study so that I don’t have to social to them. So I go there for whole day, when I got home they have already gone home.

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