Sunday, October 11, 2009


The first exam is finished on this Friday, after the test I could take a rest by going out with my friends to watching movies or singing songs. I prefer watching a movie to singing songs because it’s is cheaper and I seldom hear news songs so I don’t know what to sing if I go there. So after the test on Friday, first we go to see the singing contest in our school until two o’clock, after that we go to take a bus to the train station, and then we take another bus to the movie theater. The movie we are going to watch is called “Sorority Row”; if you want to watch this movie you have to over eighteen. The reason why we go to this movie theater is because that it won’t check our age, so we can go and watch the movie. The main idea of this movie is just killing; almost all of the people in this movie are dead. Even though it is a little bit magnifying, but I love to watch this kind of movie. After the movie it’s almost six o’clock, my friends and I go to the night market which is nearby our house to have dinner. Some of my friends seldom come to Taichung, so we decided to shopping in the night market with them, we spend about two hours to walk along the night market. After we finished it, each of us go back home, it’s really a nice day. I wish the exam this time I could get good grades, because this time, I took a lot of time in it. Almost all the Sunday and Saturday I stay at Dad’s office, reading the books which is going to tested.

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