Thursday, August 20, 2009

aug 20

Today it’s Thursday and it is the last day staying in the America. Today I have to buy the entire gift for my friends. So I woke up early today because that Angel was going to work on the noon and she was going to go with me to buy the pant, I woke up at nine in the morning, and Angel asked me to go to the dollars store to see if there something I can buy as a gift. I walk to the store the bad thing is that outside is very hot today and it is a little bit far from our house. When I went there, I am a little bit disappointed at it. Because it didn’t have some that can gave my friends as a gift, in the end I just by two candle which is made like a birthday candle. After I cam home, Angel and I were going to buy the pant for me, so we take the car which is free to the shop near the school, and we look around the store and found a pant which looks pretty good. After a while we decided to buy it and it’s a little bit expensive, it’s cost about thirty dollars. After buying the pant from the store, we go to buy the gift for my friends. We go to a store called CVS, but it’s still hard to found a thing which looks like a gift. In the end, I just buy a lot of candies and chocolate instead. After buying the stuff we go to a place where sold a lot of foods. We bought some food for lunch, after the lunch it’s about noon, so Angel take the car and went to her school and I walk back home on foot.

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