Sunday, November 1, 2009


Because of the National Athletic Games, we have a ten days vacation. One of my friends even joins the competition, wish he can get good grades. This week we are working on our debate competition on Saturday and next Saturday.
The first competition is in a school which is in Tainan. There is over one hundred school is going to join the competition I think, but we are just going to fight with two school. It’s a little bit nervous because it is the first time that I am going to debate with others, after the first competition I think I behave pretty well, and we win the other school just a little. And we have a little break between the next competitions. The next team which is going to debate with us is a little bit weak, and I am a little bit angry about them because it’s looks like they are yelling to me. In the end, I think we still win a little. The train ticket was very expensive, it cost 508 NT dollars, and the bad thing is that our school didn’t help us to afford the money.
The next competition which is hold by our self, we just invite one school to debate with us. I think I behave very badly in this competition; I make a lot of mistake. But the good thing is that the team in other school seems very bad. In the end we win the game, and to my surprise I have the highest score in the game, so I am very happy about that.
Even though debate is very hard and took a lot of time, but I still think it’s still an interesting game to me, and I meet a lot of friends. I think the next competition might be on December.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


The first exam is finished on this Friday, after the test I could take a rest by going out with my friends to watching movies or singing songs. I prefer watching a movie to singing songs because it’s is cheaper and I seldom hear news songs so I don’t know what to sing if I go there. So after the test on Friday, first we go to see the singing contest in our school until two o’clock, after that we go to take a bus to the train station, and then we take another bus to the movie theater. The movie we are going to watch is called “Sorority Row”; if you want to watch this movie you have to over eighteen. The reason why we go to this movie theater is because that it won’t check our age, so we can go and watch the movie. The main idea of this movie is just killing; almost all of the people in this movie are dead. Even though it is a little bit magnifying, but I love to watch this kind of movie. After the movie it’s almost six o’clock, my friends and I go to the night market which is nearby our house to have dinner. Some of my friends seldom come to Taichung, so we decided to shopping in the night market with them, we spend about two hours to walk along the night market. After we finished it, each of us go back home, it’s really a nice day. I wish the exam this time I could get good grades, because this time, I took a lot of time in it. Almost all the Sunday and Saturday I stay at Dad’s office, reading the books which is going to tested.

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Finally we have air conditioner in our class, but the bad thing that it’s cost a lot of money, about 1000 NT dollars a week. And its’ not very cold, after all it’s better than nothing. We found about six junior classmates to our team, and we are going to a debate competition on October tenth, I think we might lose a lot as we just practice for a few months. We spend our noon break to gather together to practice, even though out time is still not enough. When the competition is near, I think we will spend more time to practice. There is less competition in Taichung, so we have to go to other places to compete with other high school. Like the competition this time is in Kaohsiung so we have to take train to get there. Almost all the school which joins the competition is high school; I think we might be the only vocational high school which has joined the competition. I have to thanks to my friend, because he is very good at it so that he can teach us, even it’s very tired, he still try his best to teach us. When the near, a student of National Chung Hsing University will come to our school to teach us. He saw my friend in the competition before, and he voluntary to teach us. Our exam in the school is coming soon, so I am very busy. I have to search the information of the debate, and have to read the textbook in our school. I decided to go to Taipei to see the comic exhibition which is on the following day of the competition, so we have to come back in the same day and go to Taipei in the following day. I think it might be very tired to do that.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This week is still very hot, it is almost fall but the weather hasn’t been cold yet. Many classes in our school already started to use the air conditioner even the first grade of our school started to use the air conditioner, but the air conditioner in our classes still have a lot of problems. It is so hot that every time after we raise the flag, whole of my uniform were wet. It is very uncomfortable, and I have to took off me shoes off during the school day. This week we stated to form a debate team, at first we decided to form association of debate. But the bad thing is the manager of our school told us that she would love to help us to form the association, but the time is too late that all of the people have already chose the association. So she told us to forms the association next year, but next we are third grade and we don’t have much time to take part in it. So his week we are busy in finding people to join the team, so we started to sent the leaflet to the student in the first grade every day in the noon. And we decided to have a test on Friday, and chose about ten to fifteen people to our team. We are very excited and expect there will have a lot of girls wanted to join the team. But it is very cool in the real world, when the test begins, there were just about seven people and two girls in it. In the end, there was just one people didn’t pass the test. I think the test is quit easy and the second reason is that there was less people join the test. We will start to practice in next week; debate is much harder than I think.

Sunday, September 6, 2009


This week is so hot that I even took off my clothes during the class. We had already device the air-conditioner, but the bad thing is that we can only see it but not be able to use it. And we have to go out to raise the flag three times a week, and it is so hot and the precedent speak so long that we are almost fall down in a faint. And after the GM class most of our classmates took off their chose and use the fan to cool down the heat, it is just like a hell to me. We decided to go to Kaohsiung to visit our cousin, but unfortunately they had already gone to Ilan, so we have to cancel our plan to go there for two days. Instead a cousin of mom decided to come to visit our house, so we started to clean our house, mom and dad clean so late, they clean until three or four o’clock. The cousin of mom I have never see them before, last time they visited our house, I haven’t born yet. They arrive at our house at about noon, so we go out and have lunch together. We go to huo-guo to have lunch, but I think I couldn’t eat as much as I could eat before, I think I already full since I eaten the first plate. But I still tried my best to eat as much as I can. Our cousin always speaks in Taiwanese, so I can hardly understand what they are talking about. After eating the lunch, I told to dad and mom that I am going to his office to study so that I don’t have to social to them. So I go there for whole day, when I got home they have already gone home.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

aug 20

Today it’s Thursday and it is the last day staying in the America. Today I have to buy the entire gift for my friends. So I woke up early today because that Angel was going to work on the noon and she was going to go with me to buy the pant, I woke up at nine in the morning, and Angel asked me to go to the dollars store to see if there something I can buy as a gift. I walk to the store the bad thing is that outside is very hot today and it is a little bit far from our house. When I went there, I am a little bit disappointed at it. Because it didn’t have some that can gave my friends as a gift, in the end I just by two candle which is made like a birthday candle. After I cam home, Angel and I were going to buy the pant for me, so we take the car which is free to the shop near the school, and we look around the store and found a pant which looks pretty good. After a while we decided to buy it and it’s a little bit expensive, it’s cost about thirty dollars. After buying the pant from the store, we go to buy the gift for my friends. We go to a store called CVS, but it’s still hard to found a thing which looks like a gift. In the end, I just buy a lot of candies and chocolate instead. After buying the stuff we go to a place where sold a lot of foods. We bought some food for lunch, after the lunch it’s about noon, so Angel take the car and went to her school and I walk back home on foot.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

aug 19

Today is Wednesday, I started too worried about the exam in our school and what gift should I buy to my friends. I really don’t like to buy gift, many people always tell me to buy gift when I come back, but some of the people I don’t even wants to buy a gift for him, and he keep asking me to bring the gift. Even the one who I decided to buy the gift, I don’t know what should I buy and don’t know if he will like it or not. And the most thing I afraid is that if some friends who is closed to me and I forget to buy a gift for him, I think he will be very mad at me. This is the most reason why I don’t want to buy any gift for them, and some of the gift I think will not be as good as they think I will give, so now I am very worried about it, and I don’t know who should I buy the gift to. Today Angel wants me to wait for a package, in the package it’s a shoes which can make you stand comfortable and won’t hurt your ankle so much. If she had this shoes that she can go out with me and buy something for me or the gift for my friends. We are going to buy something in tomorrow morning, because it’s the last day and I haven’t buy the gift yet, so I have to buy it faster. At first Angel was very worried that the package won’t be here, because their apartment didn’t have a door bell, so some people will just take the package away. So she wants me to go downstairs and put a paper in the door and told him to put the package in the floor. When I go downstairs the package is already there.