Thursday, August 20, 2009

aug 20

Today it’s Thursday and it is the last day staying in the America. Today I have to buy the entire gift for my friends. So I woke up early today because that Angel was going to work on the noon and she was going to go with me to buy the pant, I woke up at nine in the morning, and Angel asked me to go to the dollars store to see if there something I can buy as a gift. I walk to the store the bad thing is that outside is very hot today and it is a little bit far from our house. When I went there, I am a little bit disappointed at it. Because it didn’t have some that can gave my friends as a gift, in the end I just by two candle which is made like a birthday candle. After I cam home, Angel and I were going to buy the pant for me, so we take the car which is free to the shop near the school, and we look around the store and found a pant which looks pretty good. After a while we decided to buy it and it’s a little bit expensive, it’s cost about thirty dollars. After buying the pant from the store, we go to buy the gift for my friends. We go to a store called CVS, but it’s still hard to found a thing which looks like a gift. In the end, I just buy a lot of candies and chocolate instead. After buying the stuff we go to a place where sold a lot of foods. We bought some food for lunch, after the lunch it’s about noon, so Angel take the car and went to her school and I walk back home on foot.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

aug 19

Today is Wednesday, I started too worried about the exam in our school and what gift should I buy to my friends. I really don’t like to buy gift, many people always tell me to buy gift when I come back, but some of the people I don’t even wants to buy a gift for him, and he keep asking me to bring the gift. Even the one who I decided to buy the gift, I don’t know what should I buy and don’t know if he will like it or not. And the most thing I afraid is that if some friends who is closed to me and I forget to buy a gift for him, I think he will be very mad at me. This is the most reason why I don’t want to buy any gift for them, and some of the gift I think will not be as good as they think I will give, so now I am very worried about it, and I don’t know who should I buy the gift to. Today Angel wants me to wait for a package, in the package it’s a shoes which can make you stand comfortable and won’t hurt your ankle so much. If she had this shoes that she can go out with me and buy something for me or the gift for my friends. We are going to buy something in tomorrow morning, because it’s the last day and I haven’t buy the gift yet, so I have to buy it faster. At first Angel was very worried that the package won’t be here, because their apartment didn’t have a door bell, so some people will just take the package away. So she wants me to go downstairs and put a paper in the door and told him to put the package in the floor. When I go downstairs the package is already there.

aug 18

Today is Tuesday; it is very relaxed that I don’t have to go to the classes or preparing my report or something. But I still have to read my books in the school which is going to test. So even though I don’t have to go out, but I have to stay home and read the books. I woke up at ten o’clock in the morning; after I woke up I go to eat spaghetti for the lunch. But the bad thing is that when I warm up, I forgot to close the fire for a while, in the end, some of the food in the pot is dark and it tasted very bad. And the bad thing is that I just cooked yesterday, so it is very wasteful. So I have to warm up something else for the lunch, and I don’t know if I have to buy something else to cook, because that I am going home on Thursday evening, so I don’t know weather cook or not. So after eating the lunch, I took a rest and started to study my book which is going to test. About one or two o’clock, Angel comes home and seem like she had a bad mood today. So when she comes home she is very angry and told me what is going on, like her doctor didn’t give a good medical treatment. So she is very angry and even called dad and mom to hear what is going on. In the evening I started to worry about what gift should I buy for my friends. So we started to find which thing that Angel don’t want and can give it to my friends. In the end we found a lot of thing, but some is strange that I don’t know how to give my friends.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

aug 17

Today is Monday, I originally decided to ride a bike today, but because of some reason, I decided to stay at home a studied for whole day. The reason why I decided not to go to the see the Amish is because of couple reason. First, it’s is a little bit too far for me and I haven’t ride for a long time. Second, it’s boring that you have to ride it by yourself because Angel’s lag is hurt so that she can ride with me. The third reason is that the bicycle is not comfortable for me, last time I ride just for two hours and my bottom hurts for two days. Because of those reason, even that I really want to see the Amish, I still decided not to go there. So I slept very late, when I woke up it’s about ten o’clock. These days I always sleep until ten o’clock and the second thing I do is to eat the lunch. Today’s lunch is still spaghetti, the good thing to eat at home is that I can eat the food it is hot. So after eating the lunch, I take a rest for a while. About one o’clock, I started to read my books which will test about next week. So I am very worried about it, even though dad said that it’s okay that I don’t have a good grade on this exam. But I still don’t want to get a scored which is too bad. The test will be test on next week, even though it’s too late to read the books, but I think it’s is better than do nothing. Most of my friends in the high school already start to read the books, so in thins way I am so worried about it.

aug 15

Today Is Saturday, and I will be a busy day. I woke up very early in the morning, because that I am going to ride a bicycle to a park which is near our house. When I woke up it is about six forty, after that I go to eat the breakfast and started to go out. After all is ready, I went downstairs and take my bicycle; the set is very uncomfortable to me. Even though that is uncomfortable to me, I still ride it because it is the only bicycle that I can ride. In the morning it’s not hot at all but a little bit cold, the park seems easy to go; the way to go there looks really simple. But I still got lost; I am very bad at looking maps. American were very nice, when I got lost, a man who is driving a truck drove near to me, and asked me if I got lost. After that I told him yes, so he told me where the park is and told me how to go, he even asked me if I want a drive or not. At first I wanted to took a drive because my bottom was really hurt and I am lost, but after a while I think it’s boring if someone just took you to the park and it’s a little bit dangerous as I looks so cute. In the end, I told him that I can go there by myself and thanks for your helping. After a few minutes finding the road I finally find it, and arrive to the park. I didn’t stay there for a long time because that I bottom is very hurt and I feel a little bit tired, I think that I haven’t ride for a long time.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

aug 16

Today is a relaxed day, it is because that I don’t have to do a lot of stuff, the only thing I have to do is to write the diary yesterday and today. I woke up very late today, when I woke up it’s already twelve o’clock. So the first thing I did is to take the spaghetti for the lunch, after the lunch, Angel was so sleeping, I think she might sleep very late yesterday. When she woke up it is around one o’clock, after she woke up I took the lunch for her. After the lunch, I started to watch the movie which Angel rent it. The movie was very long, I think it is more than two hour, I didn’t watch the time, so I am not pretty sure about it. The movie was very long, nut u think it is really a good movie. But I think even the movie is interesting; the ending was too bad that almost every one was die; it is not the ending that I am expending. After the movie it’s about four or five o’clock, so I started to write today’s diary and yesterday's. About six o’clock, I am hungry again. So I went to take the dinner again. We ate very fast, like I just cooked Friday or Monday, but it is almost done today. So I think I have to buy the food again tomorrow. And tomorrow I am going to ride the bicycle to the park which is a little bit far but not too far. I decided to ride the bicycle formerly, but Saturday I ride the bike and my bottom is very hurt, even when I set on the chair is very hurt. So I decide to ride Monday, but the bad thing is that I am going back on Wednesday evening.

The United States Constitution

The United States Constitution
The people who joined the Constitutional Convention singed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787 in Pennsylvania. The constitution convention gathers the people and response to discontent with the Articles of Confederation to a strong centralize government. After four months of secret debate and many compromises, the Constitution which is are proposed was send to the states for approval. Even though the vote in some states was very close, but in the end, the Constitution was finally ratify and the new government came into be in 1789. The Constitution build the US government, and it still exist today.
The summary of the US Constitution
The US Constitution has one rule, it’s said that the constitution is the highest law, so if some law against the constitution, the law will be invalidity. In this two century, the United State tried to build up the authority of the United States Constitution.

The Constitution said the president had to be chosen by the people by voting. The people approve the government and the member if Parliament to use the power. The Member of Parliament can also change the constitution and other law; they can even create a new constitution.
According to the way how they be chose, different government official have different power. The official who is been voted have to be vote again if he wants to renew his term of office. And the official who is be appoint to the assign can always be impeach
Even though the United States Constitution have been revised many times, but the simple rule of the Constitution in 1787 still have important effect.
According to the United States Constitution that every have the right to protect themselves by law. And all the states relations have to be on an equal basis, so that any states can’t get a privilege. And according to the Constitution, every state has to deference and admits to the law in different states. The governments of the states and the federation have to be a republic on the shape. According to the Constitution, the parliament of a nation can change the constitution. Besides, two over three states can bring up the motion of changing the constitution.
In America, they cut their power into three part, legislation, administration and jurisdiction. The three powers are independence. The three powers are totally equal, and impede to each other. Each power can limit other if they abuse their power. This is the famous rule in a democracy. Most of them think the thinking of that is from a book which is written by Montesquieu.
The United States Constitution and the law which was passed by the parliament their power are higher than other law, administrative law and regulations. Since 1803, the federation court of the America has the right to disobey the Constitution. It means that the federation court can investigate is there any low against the constitution, besides they can announce the law which is against the constitution is avail. But the investigation can’t do it by them; it has to be in an action, so it is passive.

Friday, August 14, 2009

aug 14

Today is Friday and I almost forget that I have a report to do this week. The topic of the report this week is about the constitution, and I didn’t search for the Information a lot, so I am little bit worry about that. Instead of woke up very early, I slept very late today comparing to yesterday and the day before that. Today I slept until nine o’clock, but I have a report, I have to go to the constitution by myself. When I went out, it was about ten o’clock. I wanted to go there early, so I took three slice of bread for breakfast to go. When I got there it’s about ten forty, not too late but there us already many people in there. After that I started to find where the building is. It’s a big building, so I found it easily. When I arrived at the constitution center, it is around eleven o’clock. The ticket was so expensive that I didn’t wants to buy, but I still bought it because of the report. Ticket is twelve dollars that I can ate a lot of stuff. I think the most famous thing in the constitution center is the theater. The theater is so cool that I don’t even know to describe it; the theater was built in circle. It’s a really special theater that when it’s over, many people next to me said the theater is so good, even though, I still think the ticket is too expensive to me. After the theater I walked around the museum, I think it’s not too big to me, so I went home about two o’clock. Tomorrow I am going to start riding bicycle, because I get heavy since I came to the US. So I am going to start exercise for a diet.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

aug 13

Because if the final exam this week, so I am not going to the class anymore. Today I am going to the cram school for the free class, in this way I have to weak up very early because it’s a little far from our house. But today I woke up very late, when I open my eyes, it’s already eight o’clock. So I jump off my bed, wears my shirt and ran out to take the bus. When I ran out I just take three loaf of bread for dinner, so I am a little bit hungry in the morning. The bad thing is that when I go out, the bus just drive away. So I have to wait for the bus for five more minutes. When I get there it’s almost nine o’clock. And I ask her where my classroom is. But the person in charge didn’t come today, and she asks me a lot of question that I don’t know how to answer it. In the end, I just tell her to talk to Angel, and the class where I am going is the lowest class. When I go into the classroom, there are not many people in it. I think it’s only five I think. After we started the class, I founded that the class is much easier then I think, I think it’s about too easy for me, but after the class I still learn a lot of thing in the class. I think this is the day which I talk the most. I think the class is a little bit like for children, during the class we play some silly games. I think it’s is more easy to learn I think. After the class its twelve fifteen, and I am so hungry, it’s going to rain out side. So I decided to go home immediately, or I might get wet.

aug 12

Today I am going o a place like an English cram school, and the class is beginning at nine o’clock. The cram school is a little bit far, it’s at 15th street, and our house is at 44th street. So l have to wake up very early, I wake up at seven o’clock this morning. After that I still fell a little bit sleepy, I go out is at about eight o’clock. The good thing is that the bus is really fast, when I arrive to the bus stop, the bus just come. So when I arrive at the 15th street it is just eight thirty, and I start to find where the cram school is located. But the bad thing is that when I follow the address to the place, its looks like an apartment. In the end I asked the guard where the cram house is, and he told me that the cram house is in the other side, so I have to go to the door which is in the other side of the building, it is really tricky to the person who goes there in the first time. There is a French woman who is going to have the free ESO class like me, her speaking sounds a little bit strange. The class started at nine o’clock, and I go to the class which is preparing TORFL. And in the class there are no Chinese people I think. The English class is talking a lot of tips to the test. Some is a little cit hard, but I think I can understand more than the class before. And tomorrow I am going to there too, but it’s not the same class, the free class just for the first time. After the class it’s twelve fifteen, so I decided to go home immediately because I haven’t eaten anything yet. So I buy some food that I am going to cook on my way home, but I am a little tired that I don’t want to cook at all. So I go to the bookstore and study the book in our school, I haven’t study it for a long time I think I should work harder on it.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

aug 11

Today it’s Tuesday, but this week I don’t have to go to school, so I can sleep later than before. When I woke up it’s about eleven, the first thing I do is go to the bathroom and take a shower. It is comfortable to take a shower in the morning, it feels more energy, and I used to take the shower in the morning when I was a junior high school student. In that time I always take a shower before I go to school. After I take a shower, I go to eat the lunch; today’s lunch is spaghetti again, the reason why I always eat is because it is the easiest thing to make and the only thing that I can make. After the lunch, I go to the bookstore. Today is so hot, that the sun is so big that I can’t even open my eyes, and I fell a little bit sick, I think the reason is the hot whether today.
I have a class at two thirty, so I go out to find the class at two o’clock. But the problem is that I can’t find where is the class room where is on the street called 18th South. And I find the street for a long time, but the time is already pass and I feel a little bit uncomfortable, I think is the sun. So I go to the bookstore instead, and I read the book in our school. There is going to have a big test when I go back to Taiwan, and I think I will have a big problem. Because every one is study except me, and my score wasn’t very good in our class. When I go home it’s about six o’clock I think, and I feel more comfortable, so I walk home.

Monday, August 10, 2009

aug 10

Today it’s Monday again, but this week I don’t have to go to the class, because in this week there is going to have a final exam. And we went to make sure that I won’t go to the class in the wrong date. And in this week I can go to the class that I can’t go because of the class, so this week I have new plan, it’s seem a little bit far, so I have to take the bus to go there. And Angle gives me a lot of the ticket of the bus, so that I can take the bus every day. Today I don’t have to go to the class, so Angel didn’t wake me up at the morning. Because of that I wake up a little bit late this morning, when I wake up it’s already eleven o’clock. So I go to eat lunch before I wake up.
Today’s lunch is spaghetti; the best thing to eat at the house is that I can eat the food which is hot, and I don’t really like to eat the thing which is not hot. So I eat the lunch before I went out, I went out about noon and after that I walk to the bookstore. I go to the bookstore and read my book in our school, and I read so comic book when I am resting. After that I go to the meeting at a place which have some international people like me, I go there and asked some question about me and talk a while. About eight thirty the meeting is almost over, and it’s a little bit late so I go to the bus stop and wait for the bus. When I arrive to my home, it is about nine o’clock.

aug 8

Today is Saturday, and I am very busy today, because I have to finish my book report and after that I have to do laundry and does the house work. I wake up very late today, when I wake up it is already eleven o’clock, and I started to write my book report. And Angel wake up later than me, when she wakes up it’s already twelve near one o’clock. So I go to take the lunch for both of us, after that I go to write my report again. After the lunch it’s about one thirty, and I have to write quickly because I have to do the laundry and the house work this week.
About four or five o’clock, even my report haven’t finished, I still have to do the house work first. The house work this week is to clean the bathroom. It’s not a really hard work, first clean up the floor with the vacuum cleaner and then I washed the wash-basin with the soap and it’s done. To just take me about twenty minutes I think. After that I have to do the laundry, it’s a very tired job, because I have to go there for three times and sometimes the clothes are heavy. So after I finished the laundry it is almost seven o’clock, and I am do hungry so I go to eat the dinner. After the sinner I still have to work on my book report, and I want to see the movie that Angel rent, the movie can’t rent too long and I have to return it tomorrow. So I write my book report quickly, when I finished it, it is a little bit late, it’s about ten o’clock. So after I finished it, I can go to see the movie.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

aug 9

Today is Sunday, so i am going to the church. So in this way I have to get up very early, I wake up at about eight today, it’s a little bit late. After I wake up, I take on my cloth and ready to go out and take a bus. But it rains very big outside, so I have to carry the umbrella with me, and I am thinking weather to bring the computer with me or not. Because the rain is really big, and my computer might be wet, but in the end I still bring it because the rain get smaller and I think I will be boring without a computer, bur the bad thing is that there is no internet. So I go to take the bus and I arrive there at nine o’clock. And we start the Sunday school in nine when I just arrive. Even it is a junior high school’s class, I still can understand at all. After the class it is about ten o’clock, and we rest until ten fifty or eleven o’clock. And I go upstairs, there is for international person. But there is still many American I think, and it is still very hard, I think I can not understand at all. After the church I go a place like coffee shop, and I sit there for whole afternoon. And I buy something to eat, its things that have meat in the bread; it’s very delicious I think. And I sit there and read some books until six o’clock, after that I go to the church again. We go there and sing some songs and some people share their thinking and it is still hard that I don’t understand at all. After that it’s a little bit late, so I go home.

book report

Sisterhood of Traveling Pants

In this book there are four main characters, their names are Lena, Bridget, Tibby and Carmen, they have been best friend since they were born. Even though they have very different individuality, they are still close. The story start at the first summer which they first start to stay in different place, they discover pants that have special power in it. It looks like a normal pant, but it can fit in any size, even you are fat or not. And not just fit, when you wear it, it can make each girl look, and feel, beautiful and confident. All the boys will keep an eye on it. In the last day when they are going to separate, they found the magic pant in the second hand store. The four girls share the pant to each other. They draw up a set of rules, that each one that use the pant for a while have to send it to another, even they live far away. At first they think the magic pant gives them bad luck, but in the end the pant makes a lot of magical things, and make thing get better.
After I finished this book, I think it’s is really touching my heart. The four main character in the story, they go though many bad things. They fight they scrap with each other, but after the fighting and disagree, their friendship become better then before. I think a really friendship have to go though many difficulty that is hard to overcome. Even though your friend is close to you, it is still hard to avoid sometimes you have different opinions or you are fighting for something. But if you can overcome all this problems, you will be more understand each other and know how to show understanding to each other. A person who can be tolerant to you and can help you when you are in problem, this kind of friend is best friend. A best friend should always help you when you are in problems. And a best friend should always listen to you when you are sad or you have something weighing on your mind. But in the other way, if you want to have a good friend, you should do the same thing to him or her.
But to differentiate between true friend and wine-and-meat friends is a very importance thing. Some time a wine-and-meat friend is easy to stay with, and it is happy to stay with him. A wine-and meat friend always tells you to do the wrong things, play with you and do a lot of stuff, and you guys will looks like a good friends. But when something happened, and you really need his help, he will afraid are the troublesome and keep away from you.
In conclusion, even you and your friend have some fight or something. You and your friend should try hard to go though it, because the person that can tolerate each other are good friends. And the most important thing is that a wine-and meat seem likes a good friends to you, but when you need help they will keep away from you. So to differentiate good friend and wine-and meat friend is very important.

Friday, August 7, 2009

aug 7

Today it’s Friday, it’s the best day ii like in the whole week. But today I have to go to the bookstore, because I have to continue working on the book report. When I woke up it’s already nine o’clock, it’s good that today don’t have to go to the school today. So I go to the bath room and go to eat my breakfast. After the breakfast I just searching the internet and do nothing, I go to the bookstore at about ten fifteen. It’s is very hot today, the sun is so big that I have to take off my jacket. I arrive it the bookstore about ten forty, it’s not too late. So I go upstairs and find a sit which I think is not too comfortable, because it’s too stiff, and I have to sit there for a long time.
Today’s lunch is still a homemade sandwich, even though I want to eat something else, but it is too troublesome. So after the lunch I take a little break and keep continue working on my book report. The book I read this week is” sisterhood of traveling pants”, I think it might be a movie. Because in the book there are some picture in it, and the picture looks like the picture in the movie. So I think it might have a movie. Finally I finish the book, but it is already eight o’clock, and I am so hungry that I haven’t eaten any thing for the dinner yet. So the first thing I walk home is to eat the pasta which is made by me. And I am so hungry, I even want to eat second plate, but it is too late, so I force myself not to eat it, or I think I will get fat.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

aug 6

Today we woke up at eight forty, it’s not too late. Angel goes to the bathroom as usual, and I think she might go downstairs by herself. But today it is raining outside, so I have to go down stairs with her. I have to make sure that her feet won’t get wet. So I go downstairs with her, when we are there the car is already in the other side waiting for us. But the rain is a little bit big and Angel don’t wants to let her feet get wet, so I go to the other side and asked the driver to go to this side. But her answer is no, so I have to take the umbrella and go to the other side with her. And angel is very angry and keep reprove her when I go with her. The weather is very cold, and I didn’t wear a lot, so I go back to my room quickly when I take Angel to the car. After I go back to the room I go to eat my breakfast, clean my stuff quickly and go to the take the bus. Fortunately the rain is smaller when I go to take a bus.
Today’s lunch is still sandwich, after eating I go to the classroom very early. It is going to have a big test at next week in think. After the class I go back to the bookstore and continue my book report. Today I have to buy pasta and sauce, and I cook it when I go home, but the bad thing is I forget to buy cauliflower. But I am too lazy to go to the store and buy again, so I just make it with out the cauliflower, but it’s still very delicious I think

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

aug 5

Today we wake up at about eight forty or fifty, it’s not too late. So after I woke up, Angel is just going to go out. She goes to the bathroom first before she goes downstairs. And I am waiting for her because I want to go to the bathroom too. After I go to the bathroom Angel is already go downstairs, I think Angel is faster then before, and don’t need me to go downstairs with her. After the bathroom I go back you my room and eat my breakfast. After the breakfast I go to the bus stop and wait for the bus, I wait for bus about five minutes. And I arrive at the class is at nine fifty. The bad thing is that I forget to bring my jacket today, and the air conditioner is so cold.
Finally its noon, I can’t go away from this cold classroom and go to eat my lunch at the bookstore. After the lunch I go to the class at about twelve forty, when I arrive there are already a lot of people. The bad thing happens again, that we have a test in the end of the class, so as usual I have to run out the class room. Even though I run out many times it is still very stupid. So after the classes I go to the bookstore add continue my book report. I still have a lot to read, so I think I have to stay at the book store for whole day, or I can’t finish it. After reading I go back home, when I go home, I found that I forgot to return the video today, so I go out and return it immediately. And the bad thing is that I forget to buy thing in the store either, but I still have some pasta to eat today.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

aug 4

Today I woke up at earlier, it’s about eight thirty. I feel a little bit stomachache these days, so I go to the bathroom again, so that Angel goes downstairs by herself. After that I go and finish my breakfast and clean up the stuff after I go out. And today I have to go to the forty five street first which is the different way to the school. Because I have to return the video first or we can’t rent another video. It does can only rent three video a time. So after I return the video, I go back to the way where I go to school, and on my way to the school, I just see that Angel left her staff when she get on the car, so I help her to take it. After that I go to take the bus and I arrive at our classroom just on time.
Today’s lunch is still a homemade sandwich, it’s because it is the easiest and the only thing I can make I think. But it is still very delicious even I eat it every day. After the lunch, I go to my second class at about twelve forty. Today’s people are still a lot, so I don’t have to worry that I will be finding out. After the class I go to the book store and reading the book that I have to write a report this week. Even it is a book I found it in the children’s book, I still think it is hard for me and I have to find the word in the dictionary many times. I think I read a little bit slow, so I think I have to read faster or I have to be tired in the weekend. And I have to stay at the bookstore for whole day.

Monday, August 3, 2009

aug 3

Today is Monday; it’s mean that I have to go to school again. Today we woke up earlier I think, it’s about eight thirty, and I haven’t waked up this early these days. So I woke up and just going downstairs with Angel, but in that time my stomach is a little bit hurt, so I go to the bathroom immediately. When I go out the bathroom Angel was gone already. So I go back to my room and finish my breakfast. I go out at about nine fifteen after I clean up all the stuff. I arrive to the classroom about nine fifty. It is still very cold in the classroom, so now I always bring my coat with me, because there is very cold in many places, such as the classroom and the bookstore, these are the place that I always go.
Today’s lunch is sandwich which I made it by myself. After the lunch I go to the classroom, it’s about twelve forty. And I sit there and wait the class begin. The good thing is that there are a lot of people in this class, so I won’t be easy to found that I am not in this class. But the bad thing is that the teacher here loves to test. Like today, she tests again, in this way I have to run out the class without handing the paper. After the class I go to the bookstore as usually, finding a book that is easy to me is very hard. I go home today earlier, because I have a meeting this evening, it’s like a meeting that has some international people, so it might learn something for me. So I go there at about seven pass ten. The store in here closed very early. When I go there, there is a lot of store just begging to close. The meeting has about six people I think, and we just talk.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

aug 2

Today is Sunday, so I am going to the church. I woke up very early today; I woke up at about seven o’clock. And it was a little bit cold and it was a cloudy day. I went out at about eight thirty after I eating breakfast and clean up the stuff. And I arrive at about nine o’clock; I went to the class which is all junior high school. But even it is a junior high school class; I still can’t understand most of it. I think the bible is still too hard that I can’t understand most of it. After the Sunday school, I went to the main church. And wait there and there have a lot of coffee and bread that you can eat. About ten forty or fifty, we went into and the spiritual father start to talk, of course I don’t understand it at all. When it is end it is about one o’clock, and there was raining outside very big. I decided to go to assemble at six o’clock, so I found a place and sit there and write my report. But the bad thing is that there was no internet, so I decide to go home or I can’t finish my report. But there is raining outside, so I stay when until the rain end. And when I went home it is about three o’clock.

After I went home it is about three thirty or four o’clock. And the first thing I do is cook the pasta, because I am so hungry that I haven’t eaten any thing yet. And Angel’s friend gives her a piece of pizza, so I just eat it. And writing the report is very tired and it’s hard to write. After I finish it’s about nine and near ten o’clock.