Monday, August 10, 2009

aug 8

Today is Saturday, and I am very busy today, because I have to finish my book report and after that I have to do laundry and does the house work. I wake up very late today, when I wake up it is already eleven o’clock, and I started to write my book report. And Angel wake up later than me, when she wakes up it’s already twelve near one o’clock. So I go to take the lunch for both of us, after that I go to write my report again. After the lunch it’s about one thirty, and I have to write quickly because I have to do the laundry and the house work this week.
About four or five o’clock, even my report haven’t finished, I still have to do the house work first. The house work this week is to clean the bathroom. It’s not a really hard work, first clean up the floor with the vacuum cleaner and then I washed the wash-basin with the soap and it’s done. To just take me about twenty minutes I think. After that I have to do the laundry, it’s a very tired job, because I have to go there for three times and sometimes the clothes are heavy. So after I finished the laundry it is almost seven o’clock, and I am do hungry so I go to eat the dinner. After the sinner I still have to work on my book report, and I want to see the movie that Angel rent, the movie can’t rent too long and I have to return it tomorrow. So I write my book report quickly, when I finished it, it is a little bit late, it’s about ten o’clock. So after I finished it, I can go to see the movie.

1 comment:

  1. "I have to do laundry and does the house work."
    i believe if you reread you artical before you post it online, you can fix some grammar error like this.
    there is too many mistake
    including spelling error such as dinner ( not sinner) and so (no do).....etc

    there is no ending in ur writing
    So after i finished it, i can go to see the movie. ( need to cross out the "to")

    its very clear that you just aiming for the 300 word

    Grade: D
