Friday, August 7, 2009

aug 7

Today it’s Friday, it’s the best day ii like in the whole week. But today I have to go to the bookstore, because I have to continue working on the book report. When I woke up it’s already nine o’clock, it’s good that today don’t have to go to the school today. So I go to the bath room and go to eat my breakfast. After the breakfast I just searching the internet and do nothing, I go to the bookstore at about ten fifteen. It’s is very hot today, the sun is so big that I have to take off my jacket. I arrive it the bookstore about ten forty, it’s not too late. So I go upstairs and find a sit which I think is not too comfortable, because it’s too stiff, and I have to sit there for a long time.
Today’s lunch is still a homemade sandwich, even though I want to eat something else, but it is too troublesome. So after the lunch I take a little break and keep continue working on my book report. The book I read this week is” sisterhood of traveling pants”, I think it might be a movie. Because in the book there are some picture in it, and the picture looks like the picture in the movie. So I think it might have a movie. Finally I finish the book, but it is already eight o’clock, and I am so hungry that I haven’t eaten any thing for the dinner yet. So the first thing I walk home is to eat the pasta which is made by me. And I am so hungry, I even want to eat second plate, but it is too late, so I force myself not to eat it, or I think I will get fat.


  1. twlight i really want to see it.

  2. omg
    sisterhood of traveling pants???
    yeah ur right
    they made it into film long time ago
    i actually saw the movie
    but just a part of it
    so i really dont know whats the story about
    but its a very famouse book
    and i always wanna read it
    from what i know about this book
    its not a book for children
    more like a book for teens
    so im very surprise you choose this book to read instead of other children books
    it might be harder to understand compare to the books u read before
    im looking forward for ur bookreport
    on sisterhood of traveling pants

    why dont u read twlight next time
    since u already read the chinese version
    should be easier for u to understand whats going on

    Grade: B (+2 points, 1 dollar)

    well theres some mistake in ur writing
    but i just choose one from it
    sentence such as this one
    "So I go to the bath room and go to eat my breakfast."

    first this should be past tense
    it just really ....weird
    it almost sound like u went to the bathroom to ate ur breakfast
    maybe this will make it more understandable
    "So after i went to the bathroom, i ate my breakfast."

  3. very good comment, thanks, Alicia!

    Love the picture Jimmy!
