Thursday, August 13, 2009

aug 13

Because if the final exam this week, so I am not going to the class anymore. Today I am going to the cram school for the free class, in this way I have to weak up very early because it’s a little far from our house. But today I woke up very late, when I open my eyes, it’s already eight o’clock. So I jump off my bed, wears my shirt and ran out to take the bus. When I ran out I just take three loaf of bread for dinner, so I am a little bit hungry in the morning. The bad thing is that when I go out, the bus just drive away. So I have to wait for the bus for five more minutes. When I get there it’s almost nine o’clock. And I ask her where my classroom is. But the person in charge didn’t come today, and she asks me a lot of question that I don’t know how to answer it. In the end, I just tell her to talk to Angel, and the class where I am going is the lowest class. When I go into the classroom, there are not many people in it. I think it’s only five I think. After we started the class, I founded that the class is much easier then I think, I think it’s about too easy for me, but after the class I still learn a lot of thing in the class. I think this is the day which I talk the most. I think the class is a little bit like for children, during the class we play some silly games. I think it’s is more easy to learn I think. After the class its twelve fifteen, and I am so hungry, it’s going to rain out side. So I decided to go home immediately, or I might get wet.


  1. "Because if the final exam this week, so I am not going to the class anymore."
    ur very first line
    doesnt make any sense at all.

    haha well we play silly games all the time
    i guess its a little bit different compare to taiwan's education system

    and im glad this class is easy for you
    im hoping that mean your getting better at understanding.

    and what the heck is that picture
    well its not a very bad picture
    but what does that mean
    Mr. Macdonald wondering around in the jungle?

    Grade: c(+2 points, 50 cents)

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Because of the final exam this week, I am not going to the class anymore. Today I am going to the cram school for free classes, therefore, I have to wake up very early as it’s a little bit far from our house. Instead, I woke up very late, when I opened my eyes, it’s already eight o’clock. So I jumped off my bed, put on my shirt and ran out to take the bus. When I ran out, I just took three slices of untoasted bread for breakfast to go, so I am a little bit hungry throughout the morning. The bad thing is that when I went out, the bus just drove away. So I had to wait for the bus for another five minutes. When I got there it’s almost nine o’clock. I went ahead and asked the representitive where my classroom is. But the person in charge didn’t come today, so she asked me a lot of question that I don’t know how to answer. Finally, I just told her to talk to Angel. The class where I was going is the class for beginners. When I stepped into the classroom, there are not many people. , like around 5. After the class begins, I found that the class is much easier than I thought. I thought it’s a little bit too easy for me, but I still learned a lot in the end. I think today is the day I talk most since I came to the US. Seems to me, The class is designed for children, because during the class we played some silly games that would be attractive to children. I think it’s easier to learn. After the class, its twelve fifteen, I was so hungry, and it looks like it’s going to rain outsides So I decided to go home immediately or I might get wet.
