Monday, August 3, 2009

aug 3

Today is Monday; it’s mean that I have to go to school again. Today we woke up earlier I think, it’s about eight thirty, and I haven’t waked up this early these days. So I woke up and just going downstairs with Angel, but in that time my stomach is a little bit hurt, so I go to the bathroom immediately. When I go out the bathroom Angel was gone already. So I go back to my room and finish my breakfast. I go out at about nine fifteen after I clean up all the stuff. I arrive to the classroom about nine fifty. It is still very cold in the classroom, so now I always bring my coat with me, because there is very cold in many places, such as the classroom and the bookstore, these are the place that I always go.
Today’s lunch is sandwich which I made it by myself. After the lunch I go to the classroom, it’s about twelve forty. And I sit there and wait the class begin. The good thing is that there are a lot of people in this class, so I won’t be easy to found that I am not in this class. But the bad thing is that the teacher here loves to test. Like today, she tests again, in this way I have to run out the class without handing the paper. After the class I go to the bookstore as usually, finding a book that is easy to me is very hard. I go home today earlier, because I have a meeting this evening, it’s like a meeting that has some international people, so it might learn something for me. So I go there at about seven pass ten. The store in here closed very early. When I go there, there is a lot of store just begging to close. The meeting has about six people I think, and we just talk.



  2. i really cant understand
    how can u do so bad at taking picture

    i guess thats a little bit better than most of the pictures u took it at july

    so what do u guys talk about in the conversation at ESL class.

    just a reminder
    if u are only aiming for the 300 words
    than heres ur D

    Grand: D (+2 points, 0 dollar)
