Sunday, August 9, 2009

book report

Sisterhood of Traveling Pants

In this book there are four main characters, their names are Lena, Bridget, Tibby and Carmen, they have been best friend since they were born. Even though they have very different individuality, they are still close. The story start at the first summer which they first start to stay in different place, they discover pants that have special power in it. It looks like a normal pant, but it can fit in any size, even you are fat or not. And not just fit, when you wear it, it can make each girl look, and feel, beautiful and confident. All the boys will keep an eye on it. In the last day when they are going to separate, they found the magic pant in the second hand store. The four girls share the pant to each other. They draw up a set of rules, that each one that use the pant for a while have to send it to another, even they live far away. At first they think the magic pant gives them bad luck, but in the end the pant makes a lot of magical things, and make thing get better.
After I finished this book, I think it’s is really touching my heart. The four main character in the story, they go though many bad things. They fight they scrap with each other, but after the fighting and disagree, their friendship become better then before. I think a really friendship have to go though many difficulty that is hard to overcome. Even though your friend is close to you, it is still hard to avoid sometimes you have different opinions or you are fighting for something. But if you can overcome all this problems, you will be more understand each other and know how to show understanding to each other. A person who can be tolerant to you and can help you when you are in problem, this kind of friend is best friend. A best friend should always help you when you are in problems. And a best friend should always listen to you when you are sad or you have something weighing on your mind. But in the other way, if you want to have a good friend, you should do the same thing to him or her.
But to differentiate between true friend and wine-and-meat friends is a very importance thing. Some time a wine-and-meat friend is easy to stay with, and it is happy to stay with him. A wine-and meat friend always tells you to do the wrong things, play with you and do a lot of stuff, and you guys will looks like a good friends. But when something happened, and you really need his help, he will afraid are the troublesome and keep away from you.
In conclusion, even you and your friend have some fight or something. You and your friend should try hard to go though it, because the person that can tolerate each other are good friends. And the most important thing is that a wine-and meat seem likes a good friends to you, but when you need help they will keep away from you. So to differentiate good friend and wine-and meat friend is very important.

1 comment:

  1. im very please to see u put more thought into this bookreport
    it really shows us that you lean sth by reading this very famous book.
    now i really want to read it too
    hope they have a copy at FCU library

    the con is you forget to mention the author name
    and you totally ignore the rule of quouting 2 quote from the book.

    i will like you to add it on coomment
    and i will grade it after that

    its really good that you thought of the ture meaning of friendship
    however, i want you to rethink the "meaning" of the magical pants
    what do you think the magical pants symbolize?
    does this kind of magical power item really exist?

    i want you to rethink and answer those question in your commeents.

    its really nice to see u putting effort into writting
