Tuesday, August 18, 2009

aug 15

Today Is Saturday, and I will be a busy day. I woke up very early in the morning, because that I am going to ride a bicycle to a park which is near our house. When I woke up it is about six forty, after that I go to eat the breakfast and started to go out. After all is ready, I went downstairs and take my bicycle; the set is very uncomfortable to me. Even though that is uncomfortable to me, I still ride it because it is the only bicycle that I can ride. In the morning it’s not hot at all but a little bit cold, the park seems easy to go; the way to go there looks really simple. But I still got lost; I am very bad at looking maps. American were very nice, when I got lost, a man who is driving a truck drove near to me, and asked me if I got lost. After that I told him yes, so he told me where the park is and told me how to go, he even asked me if I want a drive or not. At first I wanted to took a drive because my bottom was really hurt and I am lost, but after a while I think it’s boring if someone just took you to the park and it’s a little bit dangerous as I looks so cute. In the end, I told him that I can go there by myself and thanks for your helping. After a few minutes finding the road I finally find it, and arrive to the park. I didn’t stay there for a long time because that I bottom is very hurt and I feel a little bit tired, I think that I haven’t ride for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. "I woke up very early in the morning, because that I am going to ride a bicycle to a park which is near our house."

    you can cross out the "that"
    therefore, .... i woke up very early in the morning because i am going to ride to a park which is near by our house.

    "at first I wanted to took a drive because my bottom was really hurt and I am lost, but after a while I think it’s boring if someone just took you to the park and it’s a little bit dangerous as I looks so cute."

    took a "ride" not took a drive
    At first i wanted to took the ride he kindly offered because my bottom was really hurting me and i am lost, but after a while i think its pointless if someone just took you to the park instead of going by myself.

    "In the end, I told him that I can go there by myself and thanks for your helping."

    you can either change to your to his
    in the end. i told him that i can go there by myself and thanks for his helping.
    in the end, i said, " i can go there by myself, thanks for your helping."

    im expecting to hear more about the part that you viisted.
    i heard its a very big park
    its such a pity that you went there all the way by urself
    but miss to tell us more about the park

    Grade: C (+2 points, 50 cents.)
