Sunday, August 2, 2009

aug 2

Today is Sunday, so I am going to the church. I woke up very early today; I woke up at about seven o’clock. And it was a little bit cold and it was a cloudy day. I went out at about eight thirty after I eating breakfast and clean up the stuff. And I arrive at about nine o’clock; I went to the class which is all junior high school. But even it is a junior high school class; I still can’t understand most of it. I think the bible is still too hard that I can’t understand most of it. After the Sunday school, I went to the main church. And wait there and there have a lot of coffee and bread that you can eat. About ten forty or fifty, we went into and the spiritual father start to talk, of course I don’t understand it at all. When it is end it is about one o’clock, and there was raining outside very big. I decided to go to assemble at six o’clock, so I found a place and sit there and write my report. But the bad thing is that there was no internet, so I decide to go home or I can’t finish my report. But there is raining outside, so I stay when until the rain end. And when I went home it is about three o’clock.

After I went home it is about three thirty or four o’clock. And the first thing I do is cook the pasta, because I am so hungry that I haven’t eaten any thing yet. And Angel’s friend gives her a piece of pizza, so I just eat it. And writing the report is very tired and it’s hard to write. After I finish it’s about nine and near ten o’clock.


  1. it's the picture which take in front of the house.

  2. well its good to see u finally have some improvement on ur diary
    or new stuff
    although most of ppl dont think weather really matter
    however it does effect our daily life
    so its really nice to see some new stuff in ur diary
    other than wake up late
    eat breakfast quickly
    go down stair with angel
    go to class
    dont understand at all
    blah blah blah blah

    good job
    and nice picture :)

    Grade: B (+2 points, 1 dollar)
