Sunday, August 9, 2009

aug 9

Today is Sunday, so i am going to the church. So in this way I have to get up very early, I wake up at about eight today, it’s a little bit late. After I wake up, I take on my cloth and ready to go out and take a bus. But it rains very big outside, so I have to carry the umbrella with me, and I am thinking weather to bring the computer with me or not. Because the rain is really big, and my computer might be wet, but in the end I still bring it because the rain get smaller and I think I will be boring without a computer, bur the bad thing is that there is no internet. So I go to take the bus and I arrive there at nine o’clock. And we start the Sunday school in nine when I just arrive. Even it is a junior high school’s class, I still can understand at all. After the class it is about ten o’clock, and we rest until ten fifty or eleven o’clock. And I go upstairs, there is for international person. But there is still many American I think, and it is still very hard, I think I can not understand at all. After the church I go a place like coffee shop, and I sit there for whole afternoon. And I buy something to eat, its things that have meat in the bread; it’s very delicious I think. And I sit there and read some books until six o’clock, after that I go to the church again. We go there and sing some songs and some people share their thinking and it is still hard that I don’t understand at all. After that it’s a little bit late, so I go home.

1 comment:

  1. did not explain the picture at all
    and you really dont have to report when did you wake up when did you ate ur breakfast
    a diary it a kind of artical that describe what you do today
    not your time schedule

    Grade: D (+2points, 0 dollar)
