Sunday, August 16, 2009

aug 16

Today is a relaxed day, it is because that I don’t have to do a lot of stuff, the only thing I have to do is to write the diary yesterday and today. I woke up very late today, when I woke up it’s already twelve o’clock. So the first thing I did is to take the spaghetti for the lunch, after the lunch, Angel was so sleeping, I think she might sleep very late yesterday. When she woke up it is around one o’clock, after she woke up I took the lunch for her. After the lunch, I started to watch the movie which Angel rent it. The movie was very long, I think it is more than two hour, I didn’t watch the time, so I am not pretty sure about it. The movie was very long, nut u think it is really a good movie. But I think even the movie is interesting; the ending was too bad that almost every one was die; it is not the ending that I am expending. After the movie it’s about four or five o’clock, so I started to write today’s diary and yesterday's. About six o’clock, I am hungry again. So I went to take the dinner again. We ate very fast, like I just cooked Friday or Monday, but it is almost done today. So I think I have to buy the food again tomorrow. And tomorrow I am going to ride the bicycle to the park which is a little bit far but not too far. I decided to ride the bicycle formerly, but Saturday I ride the bike and my bottom is very hurt, even when I set on the chair is very hurt. So I decide to ride Monday, but the bad thing is that I am going back on Wednesday evening.

1 comment:

  1. "After the lunch, I started to watch the movie which Angel rent it."

    can cross out the which and it.
    After the lunch, i started to watch the movie Angel rent.

    "the ending was too bad that almost every one was die."
    this is a fact, which can not be use as past tense.

    "We ate very fast, like I just cooked Friday or Monday, but it is almost done today."
    hum...i guess what you what to say is that ....we ate very fast that most of the food i prepare for the week were already gone today....sth like this.

    "And tomorrow I am going to ride the bicycle to the park which is a little bit far but not too far."
    okay this is very weird
    so either is a little bit far or its not too far
    actually this two things are the same
    so u can not use the word "but"
    maybe the part which is not too far nor too near.....

    need to pay more attention in ur logic.

    Grade: C +2 points, 50 cents
