Thursday, August 13, 2009

aug 12

Today I am going o a place like an English cram school, and the class is beginning at nine o’clock. The cram school is a little bit far, it’s at 15th street, and our house is at 44th street. So l have to wake up very early, I wake up at seven o’clock this morning. After that I still fell a little bit sleepy, I go out is at about eight o’clock. The good thing is that the bus is really fast, when I arrive to the bus stop, the bus just come. So when I arrive at the 15th street it is just eight thirty, and I start to find where the cram school is located. But the bad thing is that when I follow the address to the place, its looks like an apartment. In the end I asked the guard where the cram house is, and he told me that the cram house is in the other side, so I have to go to the door which is in the other side of the building, it is really tricky to the person who goes there in the first time. There is a French woman who is going to have the free ESO class like me, her speaking sounds a little bit strange. The class started at nine o’clock, and I go to the class which is preparing TORFL. And in the class there are no Chinese people I think. The English class is talking a lot of tips to the test. Some is a little cit hard, but I think I can understand more than the class before. And tomorrow I am going to there too, but it’s not the same class, the free class just for the first time. After the class it’s twelve fifteen, so I decided to go home immediately because I haven’t eaten anything yet. So I buy some food that I am going to cook on my way home, but I am a little tired that I don’t want to cook at all. So I go to the bookstore and study the book in our school, I haven’t study it for a long time I think I should work harder on it.

1 comment:

  1. i really like ur conclusion :)

    yeah French do speak weird english
    and im really surprise there were no chinese ppl in cram school
    usually thats where Asian ppl go
    well im glad its easier for u to understand

    Grade: B (+2points, 1 dollar)
