Thursday, August 6, 2009

aug 6

Today we woke up at eight forty, it’s not too late. Angel goes to the bathroom as usual, and I think she might go downstairs by herself. But today it is raining outside, so I have to go down stairs with her. I have to make sure that her feet won’t get wet. So I go downstairs with her, when we are there the car is already in the other side waiting for us. But the rain is a little bit big and Angel don’t wants to let her feet get wet, so I go to the other side and asked the driver to go to this side. But her answer is no, so I have to take the umbrella and go to the other side with her. And angel is very angry and keep reprove her when I go with her. The weather is very cold, and I didn’t wear a lot, so I go back to my room quickly when I take Angel to the car. After I go back to the room I go to eat my breakfast, clean my stuff quickly and go to the take the bus. Fortunately the rain is smaller when I go to take a bus.
Today’s lunch is still sandwich, after eating I go to the classroom very early. It is going to have a big test at next week in think. After the class I go back to the bookstore and continue my book report. Today I have to buy pasta and sauce, and I cook it when I go home, but the bad thing is I forget to buy cauliflower. But I am too lazy to go to the store and buy again, so I just make it with out the cauliflower, but it’s still very delicious I think


  1. what the F!!!!!
    that evil driver!!!!!
    we should totally report her or him
    that monster!!!!!
    ahhhhhh did you guys report the driver, yet?
    if no, than do it now!!!!
    have no heart

    and again
    very bad picture
    i almost decided not to read it again
    but anyway
    i stil read it

    although you have no creativity come to photo shooting
    but its very nice of u
    helping Angel
    so that
    you deserve a B (+2 points, 1 dollar)

  2. okay
    i just change my mind

    Grade" A (point +2, 1.5 dollars)

    and next time if u see that no heart witch
    i want you to drag her out of that damn car
    and drive through her stupid disgusting black leg

    gosh that witch
