Sunday, August 16, 2009

The United States Constitution

The United States Constitution
The people who joined the Constitutional Convention singed the United States Constitution on September 17, 1787 in Pennsylvania. The constitution convention gathers the people and response to discontent with the Articles of Confederation to a strong centralize government. After four months of secret debate and many compromises, the Constitution which is are proposed was send to the states for approval. Even though the vote in some states was very close, but in the end, the Constitution was finally ratify and the new government came into be in 1789. The Constitution build the US government, and it still exist today.
The summary of the US Constitution
The US Constitution has one rule, it’s said that the constitution is the highest law, so if some law against the constitution, the law will be invalidity. In this two century, the United State tried to build up the authority of the United States Constitution.

The Constitution said the president had to be chosen by the people by voting. The people approve the government and the member if Parliament to use the power. The Member of Parliament can also change the constitution and other law; they can even create a new constitution.
According to the way how they be chose, different government official have different power. The official who is been voted have to be vote again if he wants to renew his term of office. And the official who is be appoint to the assign can always be impeach
Even though the United States Constitution have been revised many times, but the simple rule of the Constitution in 1787 still have important effect.
According to the United States Constitution that every have the right to protect themselves by law. And all the states relations have to be on an equal basis, so that any states can’t get a privilege. And according to the Constitution, every state has to deference and admits to the law in different states. The governments of the states and the federation have to be a republic on the shape. According to the Constitution, the parliament of a nation can change the constitution. Besides, two over three states can bring up the motion of changing the constitution.
In America, they cut their power into three part, legislation, administration and jurisdiction. The three powers are independence. The three powers are totally equal, and impede to each other. Each power can limit other if they abuse their power. This is the famous rule in a democracy. Most of them think the thinking of that is from a book which is written by Montesquieu.
The United States Constitution and the law which was passed by the parliament their power are higher than other law, administrative law and regulations. Since 1803, the federation court of the America has the right to disobey the Constitution. It means that the federation court can investigate is there any low against the constitution, besides they can announce the law which is against the constitution is avail. But the investigation can’t do it by them; it has to be in an action, so it is passive.

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