Friday, August 14, 2009

aug 14

Today is Friday and I almost forget that I have a report to do this week. The topic of the report this week is about the constitution, and I didn’t search for the Information a lot, so I am little bit worry about that. Instead of woke up very early, I slept very late today comparing to yesterday and the day before that. Today I slept until nine o’clock, but I have a report, I have to go to the constitution by myself. When I went out, it was about ten o’clock. I wanted to go there early, so I took three slice of bread for breakfast to go. When I got there it’s about ten forty, not too late but there us already many people in there. After that I started to find where the building is. It’s a big building, so I found it easily. When I arrived at the constitution center, it is around eleven o’clock. The ticket was so expensive that I didn’t wants to buy, but I still bought it because of the report. Ticket is twelve dollars that I can ate a lot of stuff. I think the most famous thing in the constitution center is the theater. The theater is so cool that I don’t even know to describe it; the theater was built in circle. It’s a really special theater that when it’s over, many people next to me said the theater is so good, even though, I still think the ticket is too expensive to me. After the theater I walked around the museum, I think it’s not too big to me, so I went home about two o’clock. Tomorrow I am going to start riding bicycle, because I get heavy since I came to the US. So I am going to start exercise for a diet.

1 comment:

  1. "Ticket is twelve dollars that I can ate a lot of stuff."

    well i guess what you mean to say is that
    ...A ticket costs me 12 dollars which can value as a really nice meal....sth like this

    "The theater is so cool that I don’t even know to describe it"
    The theater is so cool that i dont even know "how" to describe it.

    the theater was built in circle.

    the theater is still shape like a circle.
    this is a fact, which mean you can not use past tense but present.
    therefore,.....the theater "is" circle. will be fine.

    i notice you pay more attention on past tense
    which is very good
    there are less grammar mistake
    most of them are very nice.
    im very very very happy to see ur improvement
    keeps the good work!

    well done

    Grade: A (+2 points, 1.5 dollars)
