Saturday, August 1, 2009

aug 1

Today I have to wake up very early, because I am going to the stable to help. And the stable is really far, it have to take about forty minutes I think. But yesterday I talked with Angel so long; I think we talked until two o’clock. And the worst thing is that my friend called me with yahoo massager at about four o’clock. So I have to wake up and told him to be quiet. But I can’t fall asleep until forty thirty or five o’clock. So when I wake up in the morning I am still a little sleepy. In the morning, we eat the breakfast very fast and go out to the parking place where we rent the car. Angel still feels very tired when she jumps to the parking place. When we arrive to the stable it is about eight forty and it start works at nine o’clock. The first thing I do is to clean up the horse, at first I really hate the smell of the horses and really want to puke. But after a while the smell isn’t smell as bad as it used to be, so I can work in there more comfortable. After cleaning up the horses some children who is incomplete comes to learn how to ride a horse. So the thing we should do is to make sure that the children won’t fall down, we have to walk beside them and support with the hand. And most of the time I help different kinds of children who have different kinds of problems.
Finally its one o’clock and Angel rent a car to pick me up. The best thing is that Angel bought fast food for me; the most things that I want to eat in the US are fast food. But the price is so expensive, but it is really delicious. Even though it’s not as big as I think, but it is really delicious.


  1. the fast food which Angel bought for me

  2. well
    since u went to the farm
    or stable ( according to u)
    i was expecting some picture from it
    oh well
    and i been telling you that im not looking for just one picture
    im looking forward to see more picture


    Grade: D (+2 points, 0dollar)
