Friday, July 31, 2009

july 31

Today because of my report, so I have to go to the independence hall. We woke up at nine o’clock today, and after I woke up I went downstairs with Angel. After I went down with her to the front of the house, I went upstairs and eat my breakfast and clean the stuff ready to tool the bus. I went to take the bus is at about ten o’clock. And the bus in here is really convenient to us, the bus stop is very near and the most things I like are that the road is very simple. Is just like a chessboard very simple and it is easy to remember and hard to get lost. The bus I get is like go along the chestnuts’ street. When I arrive there, it’s about ten thirty. I go to the visitor center first, and get the ticket to the independence hall for free. But the worst thing is that the time to get in is at twelve forty five. So I have to walk to killed time, but I think there isn’t a lot of place to go, I think I just walk and do nothing. I even go back to see the Liberty Bell. And today there is lots of visitors, most of them are Koreans and Chinese. Finally I wait until twelve forty five, and I went inside. There is a person starting to introduce the history in the independence hall, actually I don’t understand most of it. And the independence hall is very small, so it’s like half an hour and walks all over.

When I went home it is about three or four o’clock. And I am so hungry because I haven’t eaten the lunch. And I made the sauce today by myself, and I think it taste good.

july 30

I think now I woke up later and later, in the first time we woke up at eight o’clock. After few days we woke up at eight thirty, and now we woke up at nine. In this way I have to eat and clean my stuff very fast, plus I have to go downstairs with Angel. And sometimes I will go to the bathroom. So I have to do things very fast in the morning. Today we woke up at nine o’clock, but the good thing was that I didn’t have to go to the math class today, because today is Thursday. So I can eat my breakfast slower. But I think Angel has a problem that she can’t see a doctor for medical treatment, and I am not really understand what’s the problem with the hospital, and don’t know why they are so busy can’t even see a sick man. So Angel calls a lot of phone in the morning and a lot of e-mail, she even told her boss that she will be late today because she has to solve the problems. About ten o’clock, she finished her phone call and we go down stairs together. She took the bus and I went to the bookstore on foot.
I ate a homemade sandwich for lunch. Since we bought a toaster, and I found out that we have yellow mustard, I love to eat sandwich. After eating the lunch, I went to my second class which was a one block farer from the bookstore. So when I went to the class was about twelve thirty. The bad things happened again, we have a small test today in the end of the class. And the bad thing is that the teacher stands in the back of the class and want us to hand over the paper one by one. Today I hand over my paper but sure I didn’t sign my name on it.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

july 29

Today I woke up so late; I woke up until twelve o’clock. Actually I woke up many times, because Angel calls my cell phone many times. But I thought the ring was the form the clock, and I am wondering why Angel didn’t end up the clock. And when I want to asked Angel why not to end up the clock she is already gone. So I woke up and eat spaghetti for lunch. After eating lunch I go to the second class. But when I arrive there it is already one thirty, so I go to the bookstore for instead. Today I am searching the information of independent’s hall, and I think I can easy to go there because I have gone there once.
I went home about four o’clock. Because I am going to a science museum, and today it is free today from five o’clock to eight o’clock. And the most things that I am really exciting are that there is an IMAX theater, a 3D image and 180 point of view. So I am very exciting about it, but when I just arrive the museum, they told me that it is not free for the IMAX movie. In this way I have nothing to do, so I walk around the museum. The first place I go is telling the structure of the firework and he makes some fun experiment to us. After that I go around and found there is a lot of fun games that telling us the principle of wheels and a lot of things. After that I go to see the things about airplane, it tells a lot of things like air obstruction and some funny games. The museum is for child, so it has a lot of child in it. But even it is for child I still learn a lot of stuff.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

july 28

Today we woke up at about eight thirty, and now angel always woke me up when she just going to downstairs. I think it is better, because in this way I don’t have to go downstairs with her when I just eating my breakfast. So I go sown with her in the morning, but when I go downstairs the bus is already come, and she jump so fast without my help. I think the only thing I can do is help her to carry her bag. When I go upstairs it is about nine fifteen, so I have to eat my breakfast and clean all the stuff quickly. Fortunately, there is a lot of bus, so it is hard to be late. When I arrive to the class it is just on time. Today the math class is still a little bit boring, listening to a class that you don’t understand is a little bit boring.

Today’s lunch is sandwich as usual, after we bought a toaster the sandwich taste delicious. The most things I like to eat are the yellow mustard and the sauce that we get in subway. The sauce and the yellow mustard taste really good. After Angel’s leg hurt, I have to do a lot of thing. So today I have to learn how to cook Fusilli. It is not as hard as I think, and I already cook pasta. So the only thing I have to learn is how to cook the sauce. It is very easy to cook, first that the ground beef defrost, and but the beef and mix vegetables in the pot and cook for a while. Than put the sauce in it and than put some cauliflower in it, and cooks about ten minutes, than the sauce is done. It is not too hard I think.

Monday, July 27, 2009

july 27

Today we woke up so late; we woke up about nine o’clock. When I woke up I go downstairs with Angel, and when I get upstairs it already nine fifteen. So I have to eat my breakfast very fast and clean up all the stuff before I ran out to the bus stop. Fortunately the bus just comes so I just get on the class on time. Today we start to teach new lesson, still I can’t understand most of it. And the air conditioner is so cold and the most important thing is that I forget to bring my jacket. And I am a little bit hungry, so it seems longer than before.
Finally the class is over, and today there is a big test, so I don’t have to go to the second class. In this way I can stay at the bookstore and eat my lunch slowly. Our roommate bought a toaster, so it is more delicious than before and it won’t be sticky. And it is easier to but things in the bread; I put hot dog, ham, cheese and some vegetables. It tastes better than before. After eating lunch, I go to searching the information of the Independent’s hall. I have see the building last time but I haven’t went inside, going into the Independent’s hall is very troublesome, I have to go to the Visitor’s Center and get a ticket I think. And have to line up for a long time, it kind of tired. I go home about four o’clock, but I forgot to buy the food which I have to eat today. So I went to a supermarket which is near to our house about six o’clock. But the bad thing is that the mix vegetables I have to buy two bags but I forget it, so I think I might go to buy it tomorrow.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Book Report- Emily the strange

Emily the strange of the lost days
The book “Emily the strange of the lost days” is a story talking about a girl named Emily. She is the main character, and she has a serious amnesia. She doesn’t know who she is and why she stays at the strange town which is very small called Blackrock. She forgot her name, so she renames herself as Earwig. It is because there is a girl named Raven and she has a strange ear with a wig. And she keeps getting tickets for strange things. She works in a store called EL Dungeon which is selling coffee. And the place she lived is a lean-to which is made by a refrigerator box in the alley near the coffee shop. She is a cat person, and she found four homeless and wander cat that keep following her. To unfasten the mystery of herself and find the intention for why she is being in this strange town. One day a customer called Curls comes to the coffee shop. The man said that he knew the past of Emily. He said that Emily is come from a city called Zigzag. And her really name is Molly Merriweather, and she has many record of running away from her house. So the president of the Blackrock Schneider contacts her parents. Soon, her parents take her home, but she still didn’t believe that they are her really parents. After a few days, Emily tired of the life in home. So she run back to Blackrock, and has amnesia again. But this time, with her diary, she remembers the life in the EL Dungeon. Emily amazed that she have a power to that her amnesia and she knew that her ancestor Emma LeStrande is the one who build the town. Emily knows from the posthumous papers that she is the one who can save the people from Blackrock from Attikol. To be known those one hundred years ago, Emily’s ancestor and Attikol’s ancestor fight for a thing called” magic water” from Blackrock. And Emily’s ancestor use the magic water for science discuss, but Attikol’s ancestor wanted to take up the magic water, so that he can gain a lot of money. So Emily decided to that her amnesia again, with her friend Raven, Jakey and the president of the town, they finally stop Attikol’s plan. Save all the people in the Blackrock successfully.
This book is really interesting book, because of its strange and funny story, it make me can’t stop reading it. And the cover and the pages are great, and the story is darkly comedic. Except the story the most things that attract me is the illustration in it, and it is the most characteristic in this book. Emily is not really “strange”, she is so unique. I think Emily’s individualism and uniqueness stand out, and she is simply a girl refuses to live her life as expected. But I think this book is not good for young people t see it, because in the book is too many dark side and something is not good in it. In the end I still think it an interesting book and very attract me.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

july 25

Today I am going to a stable to voluntary, so I have to wake up very early. We wake up at seven o’clock and we quickly eat the breakfast and clean it up before we go to the car we rent. Renting car in America is different with Taiwan. We go to the car and use a sensor and the door open. It really convenient I think. We spend a lot of time to go there, because of angel’s feet, she can not go there fast even it’s not too far. And she can not rest because we are a little bit late; I think she is suffering in it. We spend about forty minutes to go there; it is so far that we even go on the highway. Finally we arrive the stable, it much more big than the stable in Taiwan. There are about five horses, but I think there are more in the cave. But unfortunately, that I told them I am only seventeen. In this way I have to sign by my parents or a guardian, and Angel has already gone away. I can’t do without signing, so in this way I walk around the stable and take some pictures to horses. Even though the horses is cute but the smell I still haven’t be used to it.
About twelve o’clock, angel comes to sign up the paper, and we go home. On the way home, we saw that subway is on sale. 3 for 13.99, Angel says it’s very cheap. So we decided to go and buy it, but after we buy it, we found that the time of the car renting is overtime. In this way, we have to pay a lot of forfeit. We try to save a little only to lose a lot. I hope it will be fun in next Saturday in the stable.

Friday, July 24, 2009

july 24

Today is a really tired day; I have to write a book report of “Emily the strange”. But I still have a lot of page to read, and tomorrow I am going to voluntary, I am going to help blind people to ride horse and maybe take care of the horses. I think it’s kind of hard, but it hears like an interesting experiment to me. So I think it will be fun tomorrow, but it’s a little bit long. I have to wake up at nine tomorrow and have to voluntary until one o’clock. I hope it will be fun tomorrow. I wake up a little bit late today; I wake up at ten o’clock. So I eat my breakfast quickly and clean all the stuff before I went to the bookstore. The bookstore is a little bit far. It’s about 8 blocks I think. It takes me about twenty minutes to go there.
When I arrive at the bookstore, it is about eleven thirty. The book only left one, I think it is because that I always take the book and didn’t put it back, so they might still didn’t clean it up. I think I have to put the book back today or maybe tomorrow I won’t have book to read it. The book is written like a diary, and it have about 30 days, it’s a really fun story. Even it is a fun story; it is still very tired to read for eight hours. After the tired day, I went home at eight close nine. Fortunate the bus just comes, but I never take this bus before. So in the bus I am a little afraid. And it detour very far. In the end, I just asked the driver for let me down at the bus stop where near at our house.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

july 23

Today is Thursday, but I don’t have to go to the math class. It is because that we have a big test today, and I can’t pass the paper, so I can’t go to the class today. I can wake up late today, but I have to help angel to go downstairs so I wake up at eight thirty at usual. I just go with her until the front of the house, after it I go back to the room and eat my breakfast. Later I rest for a while, to searching some information and seeing my blog in the internet. I go out to the bookstore is about ten o’clock. I am reading a book called”Emily the strange” it is a book written as a diary. And it said a story about a girl, the girl lost her memory. And the girl’s name might be Emily, because the name of the book is Emily the strange. And the story in it is very funny and interesting. I think I might like this book.
Today’s lunch is sandwich which is made by self. I put ham, vegetable, cheese and hotdog in it. After eating I go to the classroom at twelve forty. Today id still taking about the thing likes reaction or something, and there is somebody is video recording in the back off the class. I don’t know the reason why he is doing that. And we saw a film that is a dog, and we ring the bell and feed the dog, after many times when we ring the bell, the dog will come and asked for the food. And we start to ring the bell without feeding, at the first time, the dog still come and asked for the food. After many times ring the bell without food, the dog stop to asked for the food. This is really an interesting experimentation.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

july 22

Today is Wednesday, and my book just read a little, so I have to work hard today. Today we woke up at eight thirty. And Angel has to go to work, so she goes out quickly without eating breakfast. And I have to go downstairs with her for fear of she throw down again. So I walk with him to the front of our house and go back to eat my breakfast. After eating I clean up all the stuff and I go to take a bathroom. When I go to the bathroom there is something like blood or something on the stool. And I think it most be angel or victor his roommate. Because her other roommate Jess write a letter to everyone said that she saw the something in the bathroom. So it won’t be me or her. I go to take the bus to the math class, and it’s just on tome, and tomorrow has a test, so I won’t be there tomorrow.

Today’s lunch is a sandwich which is made with just cheese, ham and vegetable. After the lunch I go to my second class, today is talk about like reaction I think. And we see some movie such as a man when he work he open the computer and will give his friend a candy I think next to him, after many times when he open the computer his friend will asked for the candy, it’s really a funny film. In the end of the class, we have a funny game; they want us to have a group. And I have a group with a girl next to me. And she thinks a thing, and I have to do it. When I am close the action, she will say well. After a while, I finally find the answer. The answer is to go out the classroom. And there will be a big test on nest Monday.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

july 21

It is very cold today in the morning, because it rains this morning. So the temperature is a little bit low. We wake up at eight thirty, and I go to take something to eat for breakfast. I have to eat fast, because angel needs me to go downstairs with her. She go downstairs is not to slow, she sit on the stairs and go down stairs slowly. We wait in front of our house and wait for the bus to take her to the place she works, after few hours the bus finally comes. And the driver is very kind, he wait for us and helps us to open the door and help us see if there is car coming. When angel goes on the bus, I go back to the room, and finish the breakfast that I didn’t finish. After that I go to take a bathroom and clean up all the stuff. After that, I go out to take the bus, and it is still raining a little. Finally I take on the bus and go to the math class.
There is going to have a big test this Thursday, so we start to review the lesson that we learn before, and thought some question. Some people ask question to the teacher and the teacher thought us how to solve it. We have no food yesterday, so when it is noon, I go to the food truck to buy hamburger to eat. It is much better than the sandwich I made. After eating lunch, I go to the second class, the topic today is memory. We talk a lot of thing about it, and they thought us some tips of remember something. In the end of the class, the bad thing happened again. We have a little exam, and the worst thing is that the teacher stands in the end of the class, and wants us to hand over the paper. So I just run out the class quickly. I make a stupid thing again.’

Monday, July 20, 2009

july 20

It’s Monday again, it’s mean that I have to wake up early again. I wake up a little bit late, at about eight forty. I wake up and eat my breakfast quickly. It seem that angel don’t eat breakfast now, because she have to leave at eight thirty. After the breakfast I go to take the bus. The bus is really quick, it arrive there only take a couple minute. So I am early to the classroom again, I arrive it about twenty minutes. The math class still makes me boring. It is because that I can’t understand it at all. And I am a little bit hungry, so I am waiting for the noon, then I can go to eat my lunch.

I go to the book store to eat my lunch, and I eat a little bit bread for my lunch. After eating the lunch, I go to my classroom, and it is still too early. So I sit out of the building, and there are many chairs and tables can stay there for a while. So I stay there until one o’clock, and I go into the classroom. Too it’s talking about brains. It’s talking about like memories and a lot of things, and she let us see a small film. The film is talking about a girl, she have a strange problems. The problems it about her right brain and left brain. Like she saw a picture in right, she can see it and can say what it is. But when she sees the picture in left, the picture is a girl with a telephone. She says there is a girl but she can’t remember what she is taking with. And they want her to close her eyes and that her right hands write by herself, and her left hands write the word “telephone”. It’s really amazing.