Thursday, July 16, 2009

july 16

Today is a busy day, because I am going to see the liberty bell tomorrow. So I have to search for some information. Angel’s told me that she have to wake up early today, she said that she have to do something in the morning. But when we wake up it’s already eight thirty. So I think she’s late again. Today I am not going to the math class, because it will have an exam today, and I don’t want to run out again, it’s really too stupid for me. So I go to the bookstore this morning, I leave the house around nine o’clock and I arrive it at nine forty. When I arrive to the bookstore, I reach the information of the liberty bell at some books and the internet. And stay at there and wait for my second class. Today’s lunch is bread again, but I put a lot of stuff like ham, vegetable and cheese in it to make it taste better.
After lunch I go to the class, today invited a professor, and she tells a lot of thing of memory. For example, they give us a lot of numbers, and see which one we remember. And the result is. Most of the people remember the first one and the last one. Some people remember the middle; it’s a really fun test. After it they show us some short film, but I don’t really understand what the movie is talking about. After the class, I go to the book store for a while, and I walk home a lone today. I think it’s a little bit hot than before. Fortunately, the air conditioner is not only cool but cold. So I have to put on my jacket when I am in the class room. I hope it will be fun tomorrow.


  1. i forget to bring the camera = =

    do i take a picture for angel's room

  2. again
    you still dont understand what im expecting from you.
    i dont want just a rendom picuter
    i want a picture with meaning
    and some how related to your diary
    for example,
    if i were you
    i will post some picuter like...the sandwich you made.
    cuz you mentino that in your dirary
    sth like tat

    speelling check again
    you need to put more effort in it

    Grade: D (+2 points, 0 dollar)
