Tuesday, July 21, 2009

july 21

It is very cold today in the morning, because it rains this morning. So the temperature is a little bit low. We wake up at eight thirty, and I go to take something to eat for breakfast. I have to eat fast, because angel needs me to go downstairs with her. She go downstairs is not to slow, she sit on the stairs and go down stairs slowly. We wait in front of our house and wait for the bus to take her to the place she works, after few hours the bus finally comes. And the driver is very kind, he wait for us and helps us to open the door and help us see if there is car coming. When angel goes on the bus, I go back to the room, and finish the breakfast that I didn’t finish. After that I go to take a bathroom and clean up all the stuff. After that, I go out to take the bus, and it is still raining a little. Finally I take on the bus and go to the math class.
There is going to have a big test this Thursday, so we start to review the lesson that we learn before, and thought some question. Some people ask question to the teacher and the teacher thought us how to solve it. We have no food yesterday, so when it is noon, I go to the food truck to buy hamburger to eat. It is much better than the sandwich I made. After eating lunch, I go to the second class, the topic today is memory. We talk a lot of thing about it, and they thought us some tips of remember something. In the end of the class, the bad thing happened again. We have a little exam, and the worst thing is that the teacher stands in the end of the class, and wants us to hand over the paper. So I just run out the class quickly. I make a stupid thing again.’


  1. its very nice of you, helping angel out.
    mom and dad are all very please with you.
    i bet Angel feel the same.

    and next time
    maybe you can hand over the paper,
    but not with your name on it.

    but i think it should be okay
    they much think you are really cute
    maybe the teacher already figuare it out.

  2. Grade: B (+2 points, 1 dollar)

    good job!

  3. just kidding
    dont turn anything in
    just leave
