Friday, July 24, 2009

july 24

Today is a really tired day; I have to write a book report of “Emily the strange”. But I still have a lot of page to read, and tomorrow I am going to voluntary, I am going to help blind people to ride horse and maybe take care of the horses. I think it’s kind of hard, but it hears like an interesting experiment to me. So I think it will be fun tomorrow, but it’s a little bit long. I have to wake up at nine tomorrow and have to voluntary until one o’clock. I hope it will be fun tomorrow. I wake up a little bit late today; I wake up at ten o’clock. So I eat my breakfast quickly and clean all the stuff before I went to the bookstore. The bookstore is a little bit far. It’s about 8 blocks I think. It takes me about twenty minutes to go there.
When I arrive at the bookstore, it is about eleven thirty. The book only left one, I think it is because that I always take the book and didn’t put it back, so they might still didn’t clean it up. I think I have to put the book back today or maybe tomorrow I won’t have book to read it. The book is written like a diary, and it have about 30 days, it’s a really fun story. Even it is a fun story; it is still very tired to read for eight hours. After the tired day, I went home at eight close nine. Fortunate the bus just comes, but I never take this bus before. So in the bus I am a little afraid. And it detour very far. In the end, I just asked the driver for let me down at the bus stop where near at our house.


  1. the view out of he bus.
    it's a little bit dark outside.

  2. sigh

    Grade: D (+2 points, 0 dollar)

    well i can tell you put no effort in this diary
    first , the picuter is really ugly.
    and i can tell you didnt finish the story, but stop because you hit the word limit.

    if it ever happen again, i will ask Angel to increase the word limit to 500 words.

