Wednesday, July 15, 2009


I think my time differences are much better; I usually fell asleep at ten or eleven. But I think I am still full of vim and vigor last night, even though I still go to bed at twelve. We wake up at eight thirty today, and it is a little bit wait. So angel goes to school without eating breakfast. I still have thirty minute to eat my breakfast comfortably. After I finish my breakfast, I go to take the bus immediately. I wait about five minutes and the bus comes. So I still go to the class early. It seems that we are going to have a test tomorrow; I think I am going to have a trouble. And the main point is that I can’t hand over my paper. But I think this is better, because I don’t think I can write it with the right answer.
I eat sandwich for lunch. I think yesterday me but it in my box when it is hot. So there is a lot of steam in it, and the bread is sticky. After lunch I go to the class, today’s class is really funny. The teacher shows some funny films about an experiment of people in the group. Like the scientist asked them question, and other people are all actor, and they all said the same wrong answer. And he will start to doubt about his answer is right or wrong. And we see lots of these movies. After the class I go to the bookstore again, and wait for angel to go home together, but angel told me that she have to buy something else. So I have to go home by myself. After going home I have to go to the store to buy some milk, because we forget to buy it yesterday. So I have to buy it. It’s a tired day.


  1. cant believe you still have jet leg
    teenager like you shouldnt have jet leg for so long.
    spelling error again
    and you didnt read my comment about picuter

    Grade: D (+2 points, 0 dollar)
