Sunday, July 26, 2009

Book Report- Emily the strange

Emily the strange of the lost days
The book “Emily the strange of the lost days” is a story talking about a girl named Emily. She is the main character, and she has a serious amnesia. She doesn’t know who she is and why she stays at the strange town which is very small called Blackrock. She forgot her name, so she renames herself as Earwig. It is because there is a girl named Raven and she has a strange ear with a wig. And she keeps getting tickets for strange things. She works in a store called EL Dungeon which is selling coffee. And the place she lived is a lean-to which is made by a refrigerator box in the alley near the coffee shop. She is a cat person, and she found four homeless and wander cat that keep following her. To unfasten the mystery of herself and find the intention for why she is being in this strange town. One day a customer called Curls comes to the coffee shop. The man said that he knew the past of Emily. He said that Emily is come from a city called Zigzag. And her really name is Molly Merriweather, and she has many record of running away from her house. So the president of the Blackrock Schneider contacts her parents. Soon, her parents take her home, but she still didn’t believe that they are her really parents. After a few days, Emily tired of the life in home. So she run back to Blackrock, and has amnesia again. But this time, with her diary, she remembers the life in the EL Dungeon. Emily amazed that she have a power to that her amnesia and she knew that her ancestor Emma LeStrande is the one who build the town. Emily knows from the posthumous papers that she is the one who can save the people from Blackrock from Attikol. To be known those one hundred years ago, Emily’s ancestor and Attikol’s ancestor fight for a thing called” magic water” from Blackrock. And Emily’s ancestor use the magic water for science discuss, but Attikol’s ancestor wanted to take up the magic water, so that he can gain a lot of money. So Emily decided to that her amnesia again, with her friend Raven, Jakey and the president of the town, they finally stop Attikol’s plan. Save all the people in the Blackrock successfully.
This book is really interesting book, because of its strange and funny story, it make me can’t stop reading it. And the cover and the pages are great, and the story is darkly comedic. Except the story the most things that attract me is the illustration in it, and it is the most characteristic in this book. Emily is not really “strange”, she is so unique. I think Emily’s individualism and uniqueness stand out, and she is simply a girl refuses to live her life as expected. But I think this book is not good for young people t see it, because in the book is too many dark side and something is not good in it. In the end I still think it an interesting book and very attract me.

1 comment:

  1. very nice
    but where is the author?
    and where is the picture???
    you spend too much to tell us the story
    but what we really want is your thought
    what do u learn from this book

    Grade: B (+2 points, 1 dollar)
