Sunday, July 12, 2009

Today is really a hard day, because I have a lot of work to do. First I wake up at nine in the morning, and I write my diary yesterday, because I have a headache last night. So I write it until noon. And the best thing to stay in home is that I can eat in home, so I can eat pasta for lunch. After lunch I start to do house work, today’s housework is to use the dust collecting fan. After I finish cleaning I go to take a shower, because I swear all my body. It’s around two o’clock and I have to finish my book report, it’s really a hard work. After two or three hour’s hard work, I finally finish my book report. And the last housework I have to do is to wash all the clothes this week. It’s a little bit harder than cleaning the floor. Because a week of clothes is a little heavy, and I have to carry it three times even it’s not too far. But the best thing is that after I finish the housework I can go to a restaurant for dinner.
We go to dinner around six o’clock. It’s an Indian’s food, so in the restaurant there is a lot of food, such as curry and there are chicken, beef and lamb in it, it’s really taste good. The restaurant looks really pretty good and the best thing is that the service there is very good, when my coke have done; they come here and refill it quickly. And there a lot of people going there in the dinner time. I think their business seem really good. That is a nice place which will that you want to go back again, but it’s not cheap. It cost 30.9for two people, and it’s not including the tips.


  1. Hum I can tell you try the spelling check. :D
    There is only one spelling error in this article. (Sweat not swear)
    It’s such a pity that you didn’t post more pictures for the nice restaurant.
    And the picture you post, you barely explain to the reader what it is. I will suggest you to explain a little bit about the picture. give the reader a better sense about your story.
    Grade: C ( +2 Point, 50cent)

  2. oh and i will like you to change the title
    its really good to go with the date
