Saturday, July 25, 2009

july 25

Today I am going to a stable to voluntary, so I have to wake up very early. We wake up at seven o’clock and we quickly eat the breakfast and clean it up before we go to the car we rent. Renting car in America is different with Taiwan. We go to the car and use a sensor and the door open. It really convenient I think. We spend a lot of time to go there, because of angel’s feet, she can not go there fast even it’s not too far. And she can not rest because we are a little bit late; I think she is suffering in it. We spend about forty minutes to go there; it is so far that we even go on the highway. Finally we arrive the stable, it much more big than the stable in Taiwan. There are about five horses, but I think there are more in the cave. But unfortunately, that I told them I am only seventeen. In this way I have to sign by my parents or a guardian, and Angel has already gone away. I can’t do without signing, so in this way I walk around the stable and take some pictures to horses. Even though the horses is cute but the smell I still haven’t be used to it.
About twelve o’clock, angel comes to sign up the paper, and we go home. On the way home, we saw that subway is on sale. 3 for 13.99, Angel says it’s very cheap. So we decided to go and buy it, but after we buy it, we found that the time of the car renting is overtime. In this way, we have to pay a lot of forfeit. We try to save a little only to lose a lot. I hope it will be fun in next Saturday in the stable.


  1. it's a pony in the stablt.
    it's really cute

  2. oh my
    this is so sad
    Angel must be very very upset...
    poor Angel
    well but dont tell me you only took one picuter
    come on
    whats wrong with you?
    its not like i didnt gave you a memory card in the camera

    the end.

    Grade: D (+2 points, 0 dollar)
