Sunday, July 19, 2009

july 18

Today is a very very tired day. Because I have to finish the report of the Liberty Bell, and it have to write six hundred words. So I have to take a lot of time doing this. I wake up at eleven o’clock, and I am so anxious, because I thought the movie we are going to see is on ten o’clock in the morning. I wake up angel hurry, and she told me that the movie is on the night so I don’t have to be so anxious. So I go to eat breakfast, actually it’s twelve so it was lunch. After eating lunch I start writing the report that I haven’t finish. But except writing my report I have to do the house work too.

So I eat the lunch again at about two or three o’clock. After the second lunch angel wants me to do housework, the first thing I have to do is to clean up all the hair in the bathroom. Its looks easy but it still takes me some time. Finally I finish the work, and I continue to right my report. But after a while, angel wants me to do the housework again. This time she wants me to wash all the clothes. It’s a troublesome, because I have to go there for three times. And the worst thing is that Angel gives me the wrong money, so in this way I have to go for four times. Finally, I get the clothes four times and take me a lot of time, so I start writing my report again. Because I have to finish the report or I can’t go to the Sunday school, and can’t do a lot of thing. After a few hours later, I finish my report. And it is almost be late. I just finish on the time.


  1. haha
    i forget to bring my camera to the theater
    this is the Singer's Garden

  2. what is so special about this "Singer's Garden"
    i believe a little more detail will help

    Grade: D (+2 points, 0 dollar)
