Sunday, July 12, 2009

Book Report- Night at the museum of battle of the smithsonian

Night at the museum of battle of the Smithsonian

Night at the museum? What can we do in the night at the museum?

The book” night at the museum of battle of the Smithsonian” is a story after book one. The story is saying that the main character Larry he used to be a night guard of the museum, and there is a tablet which can make all the exhibits comes to life. After a few years, Larry has another job, he becomes an inventor of small things, and he becomes richer and famous. One day, the museum manager decides to put the entire exhibit to the Washington, D.C. in the following day, Jed, one of the exhibits call him, and tell him that they have danger that an evil exhibit is going to kill them. After hearing this call, Larry goes to Washington by plane immediately. When he arrives the evil exhibit catch Jed and he found some exhibits to help him, and he wants Larry to find out the secret of the tablet or he will kill Jed. With his friends help, Larry finally seal the evil exhibit and he take the exhibit which had been taken to here back to the museum. In the end, Larry quit his job, and become a night guard again. And he noticed that the key of the happiness is to do the thing that he likes.

This is an interesting book, and it’s always happens funny stuff and the things that we can’t image. And it makes me interest of it. After reading this books it make me thinks that what is key of happiness. In these years, people work hard for their job and try to promote in office and become rich. But they forget their happiness; they might work so hard and didn’t care about their family, their friends, their children and even him. In the end, he will be alone without one. It makes me think of that people try to gain money and lose other things that are also important. Is it worth it? Something that is without price, even you have a lot of money, you can’t buy for it.

In this book, Larry become rich when he changes his job, but why does he quit his job and become a night guard again? He founded that night guard doesn’t make him rich but it makes him happy and he will have power in it. Many people in the world do the job just because of money. After few years they have no power in the job. Many people who succeed are because they are interest in it, in this way they can be focus in it and they won’t be boring about it. So enjoy in your job is really important.

In conclusion, many people will try hard to gain money. But in the meantime, don’t forget to concern to your friends, your colleague and all the people around you. And the most important thing is enjoy your job.


  1. okay,
    maybe most of the people will think this is a pretty great book report. ( only those ppl who dont know you enough)
    bt i can tell those are not your word.
    im not sure where u got all those ( probably then back of the book? or online comment?)
    i dont know how to grade this book report
    since its pretty obvious thous ideas is not from you.
    i will have to talk to Angel first.
    but dont get too depress.
    okay, copy others idea and saying its your is pretty bad. ( actually its a very serious stuff in US. we call it plagiarize)
    if a study get caught doing plagirize they will get drop out by the school)
    im saying this is because i understand.
    haha cuz i do a lot of stuff like this before :P (when i first came to US)
    good thing im a little bit smarter than you. :P
    if im right. ( and i think im right) you just copy the whole stuff and a little rewording, right?
    but what i do is i copy the whole stuff but change all the wording.
    is like im saying the same idea but with my style. so its more like mine :p (with my writing style and bad grammar)
    okay its still wrong but ...yeah
    so i can not give a grade for this right now.
    i will have to discuss with Angel first.

  2. ha i write it by myself!! okay

  3. don't said like i am copy okay!!

    what can i say.....

    it's a problem that i write to great..
