Monday, July 13, 2009

july 13

Today is Monday; it’s mean that I have to go to school today. I sleep a little early yesterday night, so I can wake up early this morning. I wake up today at seven and around eight o’clock, so angel seem sleep a little bit late, so she it breakfast quickly and ran out to take the bus. For me, I can eat my breakfast, do my stuff comfortably, and go to take the bus until nine. Fortunately the bus comes when I just arrive at the bus stop, so I arrive at school at nine thirty, and I sit in the class until the teacher come. The first class is math, and I it is harder and harder, so I think can’t understand it at all in the future. Even though I can really understand what the teacher is talking, but I still listen to the class patiently, and take my notes. Finally the class ended at noon, I am so hungry and want to eat lunch immediately.
Same as before, I eat lunch at the penn’s bookstore. The second class is at one o’clock, so I can eat for one hour. After lunch I go to the class earlier, and today’s class is still hard that I almost can understand all of it. In the middle of the class, the teacher shows us a short film. The short film is about scientist pay money and finds people to have experimentation; actually I am not really sure what’s going on with this movie. But the movie seems interesting; I hope I can understand the movie. And the girl in front of me is so keep her mind on it, she keep write a lot of note, and it makes me ashamed and uneasy. I wish I can understand more in next class.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it's a picture on the wall. pretty cool@Q@

  3. hum i wrote a comment for this one
    but ...yeah
    anyway you need to fix those spelling error and need to explain more about this picture.
    cuz before you repost the comment i thought this is just a picture from a picture book.
    so you need to explain more

    and the requirement for good diary is
    "deep thougths and pictureS"
    so yeah

    Grade: D (+2 points, 0 dollar)
