Wednesday, July 29, 2009

july 29

Today I woke up so late; I woke up until twelve o’clock. Actually I woke up many times, because Angel calls my cell phone many times. But I thought the ring was the form the clock, and I am wondering why Angel didn’t end up the clock. And when I want to asked Angel why not to end up the clock she is already gone. So I woke up and eat spaghetti for lunch. After eating lunch I go to the second class. But when I arrive there it is already one thirty, so I go to the bookstore for instead. Today I am searching the information of independent’s hall, and I think I can easy to go there because I have gone there once.
I went home about four o’clock. Because I am going to a science museum, and today it is free today from five o’clock to eight o’clock. And the most things that I am really exciting are that there is an IMAX theater, a 3D image and 180 point of view. So I am very exciting about it, but when I just arrive the museum, they told me that it is not free for the IMAX movie. In this way I have nothing to do, so I walk around the museum. The first place I go is telling the structure of the firework and he makes some fun experiment to us. After that I go around and found there is a lot of fun games that telling us the principle of wheels and a lot of things. After that I go to see the things about airplane, it tells a lot of things like air obstruction and some funny games. The museum is for child, so it has a lot of child in it. But even it is for child I still learn a lot of stuff.


  1. a heart pattern in the science museum.

  2. finally
    you post some not so bad picture
    wow what a great improvement huh
    how much for the imax movie
    you can go watch it if you want
    i think so far you earn more than 6 dollar right?


    grade: D ( +2 points, 0 dollar)

  3. i think he has more than $6 , probably around $10

    Unfortunately the IMAX movie will be around $25.
    and we already watched Harry Potter anyway.
