Friday, July 17, 2009

july 17

Today I am going to see the liberty bell, and I am very excited about it, because I never leave home so far. We wake up at eight thirty; I think angel and I are get use to it. Angel goes quickly, and she gets out without eating breakfast. I have to go out at ten o’clock, so I can eat my breakfast comfortably. So I go out at ten, the bad thing is that the bus just pass by when I go out my door. So I have to stay at the bus stop to wait for the bus, after about ten minutes the bus finally comes. This is the first time that I take bus in the America, so I am a little bit nervous. The bus is really fast, I think it just arrive it for about ten or twenty minutes.

There are a lot of people there, when I get down the bus. The first place I go is he singer’s garden, because it is just next to the bus stop. And in the road there are a lot of carriages and they ride slowly on the road, I am curious is that danger that the carriages ride on the road slowly. After it, I go to see the liberty bell in the liberty bell center, fortunately when I come there are not a lot of people. So I go into it quickly, and there is a security that he wants to check your bag. I am little afraid at that it won’t take the food in It. Inside there is a lot of historic things and tell us about the history and a lot of thing. Finally I see the bell; it’s in the end of the liberty bell center. After it I go to the park in front of the Washington Square. And than I go to a lot of places and take a lot of picture. And then I go to take the bus on three o’clock.