Monday, July 20, 2009

july 20

It’s Monday again, it’s mean that I have to wake up early again. I wake up a little bit late, at about eight forty. I wake up and eat my breakfast quickly. It seem that angel don’t eat breakfast now, because she have to leave at eight thirty. After the breakfast I go to take the bus. The bus is really quick, it arrive there only take a couple minute. So I am early to the classroom again, I arrive it about twenty minutes. The math class still makes me boring. It is because that I can’t understand it at all. And I am a little bit hungry, so I am waiting for the noon, then I can go to eat my lunch.

I go to the book store to eat my lunch, and I eat a little bit bread for my lunch. After eating the lunch, I go to my classroom, and it is still too early. So I sit out of the building, and there are many chairs and tables can stay there for a while. So I stay there until one o’clock, and I go into the classroom. Too it’s talking about brains. It’s talking about like memories and a lot of things, and she let us see a small film. The film is talking about a girl, she have a strange problems. The problems it about her right brain and left brain. Like she saw a picture in right, she can see it and can say what it is. But when she sees the picture in left, the picture is a girl with a telephone. She says there is a girl but she can’t remember what she is taking with. And they want her to close her eyes and that her right hands write by herself, and her left hands write the word “telephone”. It’s really amazing.


  1. this picture is our second class's building.
    it's pretty=3=

  2. wow it sounds preety amazing
    but wow
    i can tell you are having a preety good time in your class. good for you!
    but what is wrong with her
    do you know the term for that kind of disable??

    Grade: C(+2 points, 50 cents)
