Saturday, July 11, 2009

july 10

To day is Friday, its means that I don’t have to go to school. But I still sleep early yesterday, and I think my leg have spasms. So when I wake up today, my leg is really ache. I sleep until ten-thirty. And I go to the bookstore alone. It’s a little bit cold in the bookstore, so I ware a long-sleeved shirt.
I read a book call” night at the museum – battle of the Smithsonian” I think this book is a little bit hard. So I use the dictionary very popular, and it’s really tired. I wake up very late, so I eat the breakfast about four o’clock. I have two homemade hotdog, and there are vegetable inside, I have to say it to mom or she will be angry about that I eat less vegetable. I can’t go home today until nine o’clock, and I am really hungry for just eat two hotdog.
Angel call me in the noon, she told me that she fell down again, its sound really hurt. So I have to walk home by myself. On the way home, I saw a man riding a bike through the road. And his wallet was drop on the road. I was so kind, and I told him that his wallet is drop. It is making my mood goods, helping people are really a nice thing, even through I didn’t get any pay for it. I want home about nine, after I heard that the public security is mot good, so I start to image what will happen, its sound really stupid. So I walk home carefully, don’t near to other people.
Today it’s really a boring day, because it didn’t happen any funny thing. I just stay at the bookstore whole day long. But angel told me we are going to have fun this Sunday, so I am very look forward about it.

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