Monday, July 27, 2009

july 27

Today we woke up so late; we woke up about nine o’clock. When I woke up I go downstairs with Angel, and when I get upstairs it already nine fifteen. So I have to eat my breakfast very fast and clean up all the stuff before I ran out to the bus stop. Fortunately the bus just comes so I just get on the class on time. Today we start to teach new lesson, still I can’t understand most of it. And the air conditioner is so cold and the most important thing is that I forget to bring my jacket. And I am a little bit hungry, so it seems longer than before.
Finally the class is over, and today there is a big test, so I don’t have to go to the second class. In this way I can stay at the bookstore and eat my lunch slowly. Our roommate bought a toaster, so it is more delicious than before and it won’t be sticky. And it is easier to but things in the bread; I put hot dog, ham, cheese and some vegetables. It tastes better than before. After eating lunch, I go to searching the information of the Independent’s hall. I have see the building last time but I haven’t went inside, going into the Independent’s hall is very troublesome, I have to go to the Visitor’s Center and get a ticket I think. And have to line up for a long time, it kind of tired. I go home about four o’clock, but I forgot to buy the food which I have to eat today. So I went to a supermarket which is near to our house about six o’clock. But the bad thing is that the mix vegetables I have to buy two bags but I forget it, so I think I might go to buy it tomorrow.


  1. This is the garden in our house=3=

  2. Angel told us you made really good sandwich
    anyway good job!
    although u still suck at taking picture
    what kind of picutre is that

    Grade: D ( +2 points, 0 dollar)
