Wednesday, July 22, 2009

july 22

Today is Wednesday, and my book just read a little, so I have to work hard today. Today we woke up at eight thirty. And Angel has to go to work, so she goes out quickly without eating breakfast. And I have to go downstairs with her for fear of she throw down again. So I walk with him to the front of our house and go back to eat my breakfast. After eating I clean up all the stuff and I go to take a bathroom. When I go to the bathroom there is something like blood or something on the stool. And I think it most be angel or victor his roommate. Because her other roommate Jess write a letter to everyone said that she saw the something in the bathroom. So it won’t be me or her. I go to take the bus to the math class, and it’s just on tome, and tomorrow has a test, so I won’t be there tomorrow.

Today’s lunch is a sandwich which is made with just cheese, ham and vegetable. After the lunch I go to my second class, today is talk about like reaction I think. And we see some movie such as a man when he work he open the computer and will give his friend a candy I think next to him, after many times when he open the computer his friend will asked for the candy, it’s really a funny film. In the end of the class, we have a funny game; they want us to have a group. And I have a group with a girl next to me. And she thinks a thing, and I have to do it. When I am close the action, she will say well. After a while, I finally find the answer. The answer is to go out the classroom. And there will be a big test on nest Monday.


  1. it's a stupid comic that i saw it in the tv before.
    it called 鼻毛真拳.it's a really stupid comic.

  2. hahaha
    that sound like fun!
    i really like ur phy class
    and i can tell you feel the same

    Grade: D(+2 points, 0 dollar)

    as i already mention before
    im expecting more picture
    and i dotn just want a random pic
    that have nothing to do with your diary
