Tuesday, July 28, 2009

july 28

Today we woke up at about eight thirty, and now angel always woke me up when she just going to downstairs. I think it is better, because in this way I don’t have to go downstairs with her when I just eating my breakfast. So I go sown with her in the morning, but when I go downstairs the bus is already come, and she jump so fast without my help. I think the only thing I can do is help her to carry her bag. When I go upstairs it is about nine fifteen, so I have to eat my breakfast and clean all the stuff quickly. Fortunately, there is a lot of bus, so it is hard to be late. When I arrive to the class it is just on time. Today the math class is still a little bit boring, listening to a class that you don’t understand is a little bit boring.

Today’s lunch is sandwich as usual, after we bought a toaster the sandwich taste delicious. The most things I like to eat are the yellow mustard and the sauce that we get in subway. The sauce and the yellow mustard taste really good. After Angel’s leg hurt, I have to do a lot of thing. So today I have to learn how to cook Fusilli. It is not as hard as I think, and I already cook pasta. So the only thing I have to learn is how to cook the sauce. It is very easy to cook, first that the ground beef defrost, and but the beef and mix vegetables in the pot and cook for a while. Than put the sauce in it and than put some cauliflower in it, and cooks about ten minutes, than the sauce is done. It is not too hard I think.


  1. omg
    dont let her jump u idiot!
    its dangerous
    its really nice of u, helping angel
    carry her stuff ... etc

    but gosh
    well i guess this picture is not so bad
    at least it is sth important
    with some kind of meaning

    Grade: D (+2points, 0 dollar)
