Monday, July 20, 2009

july 19

Today I go to the church in the morning, I have to go to the Sunday school, but I wake up a little late. So I wake up at seven o’clock take a quick shower, eat the breakfast and I go out to wait for the bus. The best thing is that the bus stop is just near our house. But it cost two dollars for the bus each time; it’s so expensive that I don’t really want to take it. When I arrive to the church, it’s too early. So when I go to the classroom of Sunday school, there is nobody in it. So I sit there to wait for them. The children there is very young, it’s about eleven to fourteen, the y looks really small, and I am a little bit regret about it. After the Sunday school, we go to the main church to wait for it to start, I talk to some of them, and the people in the church are very friendly. They will come to introduce themselves and talk a lot with me, it make me fell really happy. After the church I take the bus home and eat the lunch. And I am going to the church in about six o’clock again, there are all young people.
I go home and eat the lunch, after the lunch I write my diary yesterday, and searching some Information in the website until five o’clock. And I go to take the bus again, it’s still expensive that make me don’t want to take it, but the church is too far. It’s very fast to arrive there by bus, it just take my about twenty minutes. When I get there, it is still too early, I always been too early. When it start they first sing songs, I think it’s really pleasant to hear. After singing music a girl starts to tell about like her thoughts in the bible, and I almost don’t understand it. She talks so long that I am almost fell asleep. When she ends it, it is almost over. So we disband after telling something.


  1. it's our church.
    it's very large and full of people.

  2. yeah the bus is very expensive
    but im glad you went.
    im happy you finally make some "American" friend.
    good for you!

    maybe it will be a nice idea to take picture with your new friends next time.

    Grade: B(+2 points, 1 dollar)
